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Frozen in Flames Page 9
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Page 9
He sighed. “It’s possible he was trying to protect you. If you never were awakened, Maddock may lose interest? Either way, you should confront him. When you’re ready, and we aren’t trying to find Maddock.”
“Eventually. I do want answers.”
He nodded. “Think you’ll be ready to meet your parents, as your parents?”
“I’m not sure anything will prepare me for that. It’s probably best if I just meet them. I mean, it’s got to happen eventually, right?”
“I’m sorry.”
Shaking her head, she shifted the focus to him. “What about you, what happened to your parents?”
He winced. “How much do you know about Scotty and Jayde’s story?”
She lifted a shoulder. “Not much, other than Saressa got in their way.”
He looked out the window for a moment, then back. “Well, I mentioned I was a slave of his parents, right? My parents were too. And that servitude bought us protection from an earth dragon who wanted to wipe us all out. And his family treated us like family. Sometime after Scotty was bound to Saressa, his parents were killed. They burned the estate to the ground. My parents and his were there. I was set free. And I wound up on Earth to avoid the dragon.”
“I take it you were safe from the dragon here?”
He tipped his head from side to side. “For the most part. The dragon wanted to kill all Hyter Sprite because we took his mate away from him. The problem with that was that his mate attacked my people. We retaliated and won. He blamed us. My family escaped. I don’t believe any others did.”
Her eyes widened. “But he’s dead now, right?”
“Yes, thankfully. He was a problem for too many people.”
“Is there anyone else after you?” she asked.
“Funny enough, Maddock had the impression he would capture me when Remus killed my family.”
“You weren’t there?”
“No, Reance needed me. And I don’t want to think about that too hard. Then again, they wouldn’t have attacked the estate if no one was there. So I simply don’t think about any of that.”
“I don’t know how you all can deal with someone who sees it all.”
“You get used to it. And Reance doesn’t prod anyone without good reason.”
“So I’ve heard. I don’t know. I don’t like the idea of anyone telling me my future.”
“He doesn’t. And maybe in ways that’s worse. When you realize he’s guiding you but won’t tell you why. Though, he has made things better for those he cares about.”
“Must be nice.”
“Here’s the thing, he guided me to you. If he hadn’t told me to be there, I would have left by now. I watched over you at his suggestion.”
“Then I should thank him,” she teased.
“He doesn’t want that. He simply wants to make the best life for those he cares about.” He nudged her. “So tell me some of your dreams.”
“One was to have my own business. Isa and I have done that. The other was to find the man I want to spend my life with. I almost fucked that up myself.”
“You didn’t. And eventually, we would have found our way back to each other.” He lifted a shoulder. “So tell me a new dream.”
“I want to go backpacking across Europe. That’s stupid, isn’t it?”
He sat up, a smile on his face. “Not at all. We’ll have to make that happen.”
He nodded. “It’s been years, but I’ve done it. It will be an adventure.”
“I’m ready when you are.” The waiter came back with the check and she handed over her card. “The pizza was amazing. Now, let’s explore before I start thinking too much about what I might be able to do.”
Sighing, he shook his head. “I planned to get that.”
“Too late now. Besides, if it weren’t for you, I may have burned down the bar. That would have been quite bad.”
Chuckling, he stood. “I’d rather not consider that. You may have roasted me too.”
“You would have shifted to another plane.”
“I don’t know, a wave of fire may shock me into inaction.”
Laughing, she shook her head. “I don’t believe that for a second.”
“What do you want to see next?” Lonny asked.
“Surprise me.”
* * * *
Some paranoid part of Lonny kept looking around, sending out his senses to find a threat, any threat. The more he considered the problem, the more he realized they weren’t out of the woods.
Maddock Delnias was a giant piece of shit. Most of his associates were blackmailed, or straight up scum. Sometimes both.
The Delnias family had been shady since the beginning of time. Their habits were learned. The males were forced to marry those who could offer the most aid in their quest for more power.
So a dragon would be a powerful wife, especially if bound to the bastard. She could wield fire and water magic, while he could wield Earth. His gifts could be quite scary.
That didn’t matter. Lonny wouldn’t allow the prick to get his hands on Lana. Whatever that meant, he planned to ensure Lana stayed free of him.
Lonny pushed his hair back and pulled Lana closer.
She stopped him and looked into his eyes. “What’s going through your mind? You’re tense.”
“Yeah, I can’t help that. Two people attempted to come after you. A third followed us. I’m just wondering when to expect the next.”
“Maybe he’ll give up?” she asked hopefully.
“If he were to give up, that would have been when Reance bought off Divad’s debt. He didn’t stop. He’s not going to now.”
She sighed. “Should we go to him?”
“That’s not so easy. He has various estates, and no one knows all of them except the Delnias family. I’m sure Reance is already trying to find him. Besides, you aren’t ready yet.”
“Why aren’t I?” she demanded.
He smiled softly, caressing her face. “You need to learn to tap into your power. Once you have an idea of how to use your magic, we can worry about going after him ourselves.”
“What do I have to learn?”
“Fighting, magic. Whatever. I can help you with some. So can Isa and Toryn. And she can bring Alenathos. I’m not sure how we want to go about contacting Reance, but he would be happy to bring Fuerah to you.”
She wasn’t sure how to feel about Alenathos. If he hadn’t taken her from Fuerah, maybe she would’ve been safe, and never promised to Maddock. Then again, Saressa could have gotten her hands on her. That would have been disastrous. But who was better to train her than her own blood parents?
Lonny took her hand. “I want to show you something.” He pulled her toward a new age shop. The woman who ran it was Fae, one of the more mixed ones, who happened to dabble in all kinds of magic. But she would feel something in common with the woman.
He had pure Hyter Sprite blood running through his veins, but he got along with all manner of creatures because there weren’t many of his kind when he was young, and now he believed himself to be the last.
The only leads he’d found were false. Lonny glanced at Lana. “There are far more dragons than Hyter Sprites. And I know of at least two dragons who found their mate in another element.”
“You knew about my parents?” she asked.
“I once found them together. I wouldn’t have assumed they were mated, but they were obviously intimate.”
“They had a sad existence. Both had to follow orders from someone else. And sure, Reance was always good to my mother, but she was still called away from Alenathos too often. And Alenathos. God, Saressa was a bitch.”
“Saressa had a way of tearing apart relationships. Perhaps you can be the one who can bring them back together.”
Her face screwed up a second. “I don’t know. If we were to have children, and you took them away from me, I’d be pissed. I’m not sure I could f
orgive you for that. Good reason or not, I may not be able to see the logic.”
“Yeah, but I can’t imagine a situation that would have me run from you and everything I care about.”
She pulled him into motion. “At least we’re on the same page.”
He opened the door for her.
Smiling, she moved past him and stopped as she took in the shop. “I can feel magic.”
The woman behind the counter smiled. “Newly awakened?” Her head cocked. “And so much more than your average Fae.”
Lana looked around again. No one else was in the store besides a woman in a long skirt and glasses. “Yes. How can you tell?”
“You seem surprised to feel the magic. In time, you’ll get used to it. And with the primal power bubbling in the air around you, I think you will sooner than not. Though, I am curious why you would avoid the awakening for so long.”
She sighed. “Long story, but I had a few misconceptions.”
“Ah, didn’t know what you were?”
She shook her head. “No.” She moved to the counter. “Can I ask what you are?”
“A little of this, a little of that. I dabble in everything, but not powerful in anything.”
“I’m sorry.”
She shook her head. “Why? I’m perfectly happy with what I can do. I stay here, in this realm, because I don’t really fit anywhere.”
She sighed. “I’m starting to wonder if I have a place.”
Lonny put his arm around her waist. “With me, with Isa, your friends. You’ve noticed we’re all different.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Smiling, she turned back to Lonny. “I never really thought of it like that.”
“We’re a family, all of us.” Lonny leaned closer to whisper, “And they all consider you part of that family.”
Nodding, she leaned her forehead against his. “Thank you.”
Lonny smiled at the woman. “Lana, meet Amalia. She was a friend of my parents. Amalia, this is my mate, Lana.”
“The woman you’ve been waiting to accept you for ages.”
He dipped his head. “She was raised to believe she was a simple Earth Fae. Lana is anything but, as you may have noticed.”
“Ah, dragon blood, and not one element.” Amalia turned to Lana. “Don’t worry, child. Not many can sense the difference between the elements, and various type of Fae.”
“I’m not so worried about that. I think once I learn more about what I can do, I should be fine in most situations.”
“That’s the spirit, and yes, definitely. As long as you don’t wind up fearing your own powers.” Amalia motioned around the shop. “Anything you want to look at? Or just exploring?”
Lonny lifted a shoulder. “We’re exploring Port Townsend. I wanted her to see your shop. I always felt at home here.”
“You always were a sweet boy. It’s a shame what happened to your family.”
Lonny glanced down, then back up. “I’ve found those not related by blood are closer than my kin were.”
“Chosen family is often stronger together than blood family. Though blood can hold a family together too.” She smiled at Lana. “I’ve seen you in visions with Lonny. You were carrying a beautiful little girl with colorful ringlets of all colors.”
“You see the future too?” Lana asked, tensing up.
“I see flashes of families. Not the future per se.”
“But that would be in the future,” Lana argued.
“Sure, but I can’t tell you what she’ll be like, only that you all look happy, and like a family should.”
“All right.”
“She knows Reance?” Amalia asked, one raised brow in Lonny’s direction.
“Yes, and we were talking about all of that earlier,” Lonny answered.
“I see. Well, rest assured, my gift is nowhere near Reance’s perception. I can see family portraits if you will.”
“That’s reassuring,” Lana answered. “Mind if I look around?”
“Please do,” Amalia answered.
Chapter 12
Isa sat on the bed, anxiously waiting for Toryn. She wanted to stop the random little visions popping into her head. She couldn’t make sense of a damned thing.
Some good.
Some bad.
None of it fit together.
She wanted it to stop, but they were like a train wreck. Impossible not to look. And she really hoped everything was out of order, or could be changed, maybe both.
She threw herself back and covered her eyes. Kiernan kicked, and Isa jumped. The little guy always got squirmy when she was frustrated with the visions.
“You okay?” Toryn asked from the door.
“Yeah, just want to get out there. I’m worried about what might happen if we bring Fuerah and Alenathos together. I mean, she seemed pissed at him the one time I ran into her.”
Toryn nodded. “However, your father believes they will eventually work out the problem.”
“Yeah, but two dragons? The strongest of their element? Who dies if they get in Fuerah’s way?”
“No one is going to get in her way. She’s too smart to endanger anyone because she has a grudge against her own mate. Eventually she’ll realize he did what he thought was right. And considering his former master, that had to be a hard decision.”
“Reance would have protected Lana.”
“And maybe he knew you needed Lana, or vice versa. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but there was a reason he allowed it. I’m sure he’s known all along.”
Isa sat up. “Do you mind going to Port Townsend early? I know she’s probably wondering what the fuck is going on after learning she’s a dragon. Either that or distracting herself from reality as long as she can.”
“Of course we can go. Do you want to talk to Alenathos before or after?”
Her face screwed up briefly. “After. I mean, he didn’t want to tell me his secret.”
“You could have forced him,” Toryn pointed out.
“And we covered why I didn’t. With him being stuck at Saressa’s side for a couple hundred years, I can understand why he’s worried about a master. I did offer to set him free, but he fears that more than having me.”
“Someone else might attempt to enslave him.”
“True, but I could help again if need be.”
“Give him time, Isa. I know what Saressa can do to a man’s head. I watched what Scotty went through.”
“I’ve seen it myself. I simply wish I knew how to make him see I won’t turn into her.”
“If he had any thought you might, he would have begged you to destroy the necklace. He didn’t.” Toryn took her hand and pulled her to a stand. “Open the way, and let’s set your mind at ease.” He covered her belly with one palm and Kiernan kicked.
“He agrees,” she leaned closer and kissed Toryn. Stepping back, she held up a hand and a portal opened to the front door of one of Sammy’s houses. Toryn had taken Isa there a few weeks before.
Toryn pulled her through and she closed the portal.
Lonny pulled into the driveway before she could knock.
Lana hopped out of the Land Rover and ran over. She squeezed Isa. “Thank you.”
“For?” Isa asked, confused.
“Taking care of Shenanigans. Being here for me. Everything.”
Isa hugged her back. “You’re my best friend.”
“Toryn is,” she countered.
Isa nudged her. “You’re up there with him. I don’t know where I’d be without you. So you hush, and let’s talk.”
“I’ll keep Toryn out here, with me,” Lonny offered.
Isa nodded.
Lana pulled Isa inside.
* * * *
Lana shut the door and turned to Isa. “Do you have any idea how crazy it is to find out you are not what you thought?”
Isa giggled. “Hello, I’m a Faery princess. I would have never imagined that.”
br /> A laugh bubbled up out of Lana. “Okay, about finding out the family you thought were yours, isn’t? But at least you weren’t raised to believe you were part of a family you don’t share a drop of blood with.”
Isa shook her head. “No, but I did find out my parents wanted me, but had reason to protect me.”
“Which still has to hurt. I’m still trying to wrap my head around my father’s decision.”
“That will take time. You’ll get there. He wants to protect you even now. I think he’s still worried about what I’ll think. He wouldn’t tell me why he protected you last night.”
“I wonder if I’m a disappointment,” she whispered.
Isa hugged her. “Nope. He wouldn’t have been there to protect you if that were the case. Now, do you want to meet him? Want me to bring him here?”
“Um…” Lana wrung her hands and paced away. “I’d offer you a drink while I take one, but you’re preggers.”
Isa lifted a shoulder. “I’m fine. I just want to make sure you’re okay.”
“I’m getting there. But I need to talk to him, and my mother. Just maybe not at the same time.”
“Yeah, let’s get him here first. For my father, I’ll have to find him. And that’s not as easy.”
Lana nodded, shoving her hands in her pockets.
Isa wrapped her hand around the necklace and called Alenathos. He appeared before them and stepped toward Lana. “You know.” Concern deepened his blue eyes.
She nodded. “But I need to understand.”
“I feared for your safety. I knew what Saressa would do if she learned of you. I wanted you to be free, or at least be free to find a master who wouldn’t use you in ways you despised.”
Her brow wrinkled. “Why not leave me with my mother?”
“Saressa would have ripped you from her. Possibly destroyed Fuerah in the process. The only way I could see to save you both was to hide you away from all of us. But Divad proved to be a weak fool. He should have contacted me. He’s lucky I’ve let him live so far.”
Lana nodded slowly, thoughts swirling through her head. “What would Saressa have done to me?”