Frozen in Flames Read online

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  Did she want to know her parents? Either one?

  She could still remember Fuerah the one night she’d been in her presence. She was scary. Lana didn’t feel all that strong. She’d always believed she was more human than Fae. And still, she couldn’t imagine having the kind of power Fuerah or Alenathos possessed.

  Only she wasn’t. She was a dragon, and even though she kept trying to remind herself, it didn’t seem to stick in her mind.

  Lonny wandered out, his hair down, a colorful cascade over his shoulder and impressive body. Lean muscle, angular face. He was so damned beautiful it hurt. He walked toward her and sat down, taking her hand.

  “What’s going on?” he asked.

  She sighed. “Trying to figure out how much life changes now.”

  “Well, you have me whenever you want me. To lean on, to hold your hand, to make love to you, to protect you. I’ll be whatever you need, whatever you want. I want you happy. That’s all I know for sure.”

  Smiling, she leaned forward, letting him envelop her in his arms. “You are everything I want.”

  “I’ve longed to hear that for years. Now, how do I help? What do you want to discuss?”

  “I don’t even know where to start. I thought about going to the beach, but then I kept seeing images of my father slithering through the water as more of a water serpent than dragon.”

  He smiled. “Are you thinking more like European dragons? Keep in mind, dragons don’t have a single form. They can shift at will to whatever shape they want. Though they tend to lean toward one color. You may have more variances. Your hair is still red. He lifted a lock. “But the ends are turning purple.”

  Her eyes widened. “What?” She looked at the end of the lock, and sure enough there was purple. “Well, I’ve considered dying my hair purple.”

  He grinned. “Your hair may wind up as colorful as mine. But the problem with hair that changes like that, it can’t often be dyed.”

  “I can deal with that.”

  “I can teach you to use glamour. Though Toryn is far superior there.”

  “I’ve only seen you change your hair to solid black, and your elderly gray-haired gentleman who plays chess in the bar with Scotty and Mage. Only, your hair still has a hint of color.”

  “Yeah, but you know Mage is Toryn. He comes up with new personas so easily.” One of Toryn’s favorite glamours was that of a shorter, silver-haired man with a neatly trimmed beard. He only ever showed up at Shenanigans when Isa was working there.

  “Yeah, I never understood all of that, but then my father never really used glamour.”

  “Your adopted father. I want to know why he agreed, then decided to sell you off. I mean, sure, Divad didn’t likely have much choice, but why not call your father?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “What about talking with Isa? Would that help?”

  “It would take her too long to get here.”

  Lonny shook his head. “Nope. She can open a portal to us. That way you can talk to your father, if not anyone else. And while we’re here, no one can track you.”

  “We have to stay cooped up?” she asked.

  “No. We could venture into town. I doubt they can find us there. We got rid of your necklace.”

  “I want to explore.”

  “You like pizza, right?”

  She nodded.

  “Maybe we can call her and have her come out after she finishes up at Shenanigans.”

  “All right. Now why did you mention pizza?”

  “Waterfront Pizza is the best pizza in Washington. And it happens to be in town.”

  Light danced through her eyes. “Okay, sounds good.”

  “Maybe they can bring Alenathos.”

  She nodded. “Good idea. Perhaps she can help me find a way to convince you that you’re my best option.”

  Lana hopped up and went to the table Lonny had set the duffle bags the night before. She took her new phone and moved back to the bedroom, dialing Isa. She knew it was early, but had to imagine she was dealing with Kevin by now. Which made Lana feel bad, but someone needed to be there.

  Isa answered after a single ring. Lana closed her eyes and let out a string of words. “Can you come out to Port Townsend after work? Either meet us here, or in town. I want to talk to Alenathos. Seems he’s my father. I need answers.”

  “So you’re finally mated to Lonny?” she blurted out.

  Lana laughed. “Yes. And don’t. I’ve got too much on my mind for I told you so.”

  “Fine, fine, I wasn’t going to go there anyway. But I figured out the father thing last night when searching my father’s memories for Alenathos. Seems he helped Alenathos, even though he didn’t fully agree with him. I don’t believe Fuerah knows that part.”

  “Shit, that’s got to put them at odds.”

  “Maybe. Look, you’re something of an enigma. Dragons of two elements don’t exist. Or there hasn’t been one for eons. It’s forbidden. And from what I could gather, your parents’ love was hidden from everyone. And everyone knows she hates him now.”

  “No shit. He took me from her. Why is everything always so fucked up with us?”

  Isa sighed. “I don’t know, but sooner or later everything should work out and be fine.”

  “Maybe you can help me convince Lonny he should be my master. You know, like you did for Alenathos.”

  “Uh, you want to have someone who could control you?”

  “He won’t. It’s no different than you being Alenathos’ master. Or Reance being Fuerah’s. I need to stop anyone else from becoming my master and I trust Lonny. Besides, if Toryn could do something similar to that to protect you, he would and you would trust him.”

  “Okay, fuck. Let me talk to Toryn. We’ll figure something out. And you’re right, he wouldn’t use that power over you. I need to figure out if that’s going to work, though. There’s a reason Alenathos doesn’t want me to crush the amulet. I’m one of the strongest people. I bound him with all four elements. No one can break that. I was able to break Saressa’s hold. I know Lonny is special. Maybe he’s powerful enough. I’d rather know for sure. And if he is a good candidate, we’ll find a way to convince him.”

  “Thank you.”

  Isa let out a breath. “I should finish up in the office. Don’t worry, I’m better at this than I used to be. But I still don’t like doing it.”

  Lana laughed. “Yeah, well, you were always more charismatic and better with people.”

  “Bullshit. You’re just as good with people as I am.”

  “Whatever. Get back to work.” She hung up.

  Lonny pulled her back against his chest. “You are charismatic. People love you. I know quite a few people who stop into the bar when you’re working for you. Not for anything but you. And I’m not talking about me.”

  She turned in his arms. “I don’t believe that.”

  “There are quite a few. It’s why you never have trouble bringing someone with you when you leave.”

  She sighed. “I wasn’t sleeping with anyone since Reese.”

  “Wouldn’t matter if you did. I felt our bond seal. I know what you feel. The past doesn’t matter so much now.”

  Leaning up, she kissed his lips. He hauled her tighter and carried her to the table where he sat her. She held tighter with her legs, her fingers sliding into his hair as she deepened the kiss.

  He caressed up her sides, pulling his T-shirt up and off her body before kissing down her neck.

  After sliding his shorts off, she pulled his hips, sliding his dick against her slick sex, then reached between them, guiding him inside.

  “I was going to give you more,” he murmured against her ear.

  “Need this. I’m greedy. I want you, inside me, pumping hard.”

  “Don’t need to ask twice.”

  He thrust hard and her hands hit the table as she leaned back, letting him take them higher in a frantic pace. He gripped he
r hips, kissing her neck as she chanted his name.

  How the hell had she gone so long without Lonny? She never wanted to be away from him again.

  He filled her mind, body, and soul. She felt everything he did, and it was overwhelming to know he’d always felt that way. All her doubts washed away in his love.

  She caught his chin, lifting his head to capture his mouth in a kiss. Sucking his bottom lip between hers, she licked and teased before dueling with his tongue. So much passion, so much desire. And no one else made her feel so damned good so easily.

  Maybe he was reading her mind, but it was like he knew what she needed before she did.

  She pulled back, looking into his eyes. Her heart swelled. Whatever came at them, she could handle it with him at her side.

  He caressed toward her core, then rubbed over her clit. She exploded with him. “I’m addicted to you.”

  “Same here.” She let him go and nodded to the room. “We should get dressed. And I want to explore Port Townsend, maybe see why you love it so much.”

  “Sounds like the perfect day,” Lonny answered.

  Chapter 10

  Lonny sat on the couch, waiting for Lana. He never imagined the last twelve hours or so. He wanted to thank Maddock for sending his goons after Lana, right before he destroyed the fucker.

  After what she had done the night before, Maddock couldn’t have handled Lana. Hell, he probably couldn’t even bind her to him.

  Lana came back in a dress that hugged her body, paired with black shoes. Her red hair had blue streaks, but the ends were still mostly purple. Stunning.

  She flipped her hair. “I don’t know how to control it, but I kind of like it. Think Isa will freak?”

  He pulled her into his arms. “She’s going to love it. And I feel like I fit with you even better now.”

  Running her fingers through his hair, she grinned. “You left it down.”

  “You said you like it.” He ducked his gaze.

  “Do you not like it down?” she asked.

  “I get a lot of comments on it. Sometimes I would prefer to go unnoticed.”

  “But you don’t often go around as Lenny.” The little old man he sometimes used as a disguise.

  “Because I don’t want to hide who I am. There are times it’s necessary, but certainly not all the time.”

  “I didn’t even realize it was you in the other form until Isa pointed it out one day.”

  “Why do you think I always flirt with you in that form?”

  She smiled. “You do. And I’ve always been attracted to you, Lonny. At first, I thought I didn’t have a chance. And I always had the arranged marriage hanging over my head. At least until Reance took care of that. I just didn’t want to think the worst of the man I called my father.”

  “When all is said and done, I think we should confront him.”

  “You’re right. I hate it. I didn’t want to think the worst of the man who raised me, but I can’t see it any other way now.”

  “I’m sorry for that.”

  “I always felt different. And I’m afraid of what he’ll say, but at the same time, I need to know why.”

  “I’ll be at your side, and I promise to resist the urge to strangle him.”

  “Maybe. Let’s go. I want to see Port Townsend,” she promptly changed the subject.

  Pulling her toward the door, he grinned. “This is one of my favorite places on Earth.”


  He shook his head. “I feel at home here. I don’t know why. Don’t worry. I’m not asking you to move.”

  “And what happens if Isa goes to Faery? Who says I’ll always want to run Shenanigans?”

  “Something to keep in mind, Lana. As long as you’re happy, I likely will be. But if I ever have a problem with your decision, we’ll discuss it rationally. I won’t make demands, only ask you hear me out.”

  “Why don’t you seem to have a strong opinion on where we live?”

  “I’ve never had much sentiment for a home. Sure, I own one now, but I’m used to staying in someone else’s home. I don’t consider one place mine. And I want to be where you are.”

  She smiled. “Well, I’m not ready to leave my bar, and I doubt Isa is ready. But I can’t imagine staying in one place all my life.”

  “We have forever to figure out where we want to go.”

  “Good, so let’s explore.”

  * * * *

  Frustrated at the situation, Maddock tore through the chest, looking for the lock of hair he’d been given when he secured the arrangement to marry Lana.

  That hair could be used to find her. No matter where she was. And even if she were in a place warded to hide her, someone could track the area. Then he could figure out a way to lure her out.

  He was willing to bet that Lana and Elondril were mated sometime over the night. His sources told him she’d been weakening toward the sprite. Regardless of the sprite pulling away, it made sense they took that step. And it was also very likely they were meant to mate.

  He pounded his hands on the dresser. There was a downside to the likely bond. She wouldn’t fall in love with him. He would have to keep Elondril around if he wanted to use her. Keeping the two just happy enough having each other they could be pushed to doing his bidding.

  If they didn’t wind up mates, killing Elondril might work in his favor. Only, he wouldn’t be able to claim the slave who managed to escape more than two centuries ago.

  He hated failure. Perhaps this was his chance to fix all of that. And he had a pair of cages ready. He’d hired the best ward masters to create cages to hold the sprite and dragon, in the event that he couldn’t capture Laniela before she wound up with Elondril.

  He pulled the lock of red hair from the bottom of the drawer and sat down on the bed. Closing his eyes, he focused on Lana. She had grown into a beautiful woman. One he wanted to possess.

  She walked down a street with Elondril, arm in arm. Something was different about both of them. She had not only gone through awakening, but she was mated to the sprite.

  He focused on the buildings and signs. Working with the humans of Earth, he’d learned many languages.

  Waterfront Pizza. He had a place to start. It was time to contact Luther. One of his contacts on the other side of the veil. Perhaps one of his few loyal mercenaries could guide him to someone who would be willing to do the job.

  He moved to the grand room and opened the portal to Luther’s sitting room. Staying on his side of Faery, he found the man who had done most of his dirty work across the veil. Something he preferred to handle himself in Faery. However, he broke enough trade laws, he didn’t dare cross over for more than a few minutes.

  Luther’s brow arched as he sat forward. “Maddock, I told you I’m not interested in obtaining the dragon.”

  “I’m hoping you have a recommendation. It seems she has gone through her awakening, and I need to find someone who is willing to go against a dragon. She’s also mated to Elondril recently.”

  Luther sighed. “You realize the arrangement has been dissolved, right?”

  “Of course. However, she was still promised to me, and I will have her.”

  “The debt was settled. Everyone knows it. You’re choosing to not only piss off a newly awakened and mated dragon and her mate, but the King of the Fire Realm, and the two dragons who created her. Let’s also keep in mind their masters will likely have a say in the matter.”

  “Which is why I am not insisting you go after her. I’ll continue to hire you for the things you are willing to do for me.”

  “Of course.”

  “Now, do you have another suggestion?”

  He snorted. “Jayna. Not that I imagine you’re willing to contact her after you broke off your relationship in order to pursue a dragon.”

  “Someone else. One who won’t cut off my balls for choosing another woman.”

  “One who was only a child at the time,” Luther
added. He rolled his eyes. “McDermot is currently in the Earth Realm. His young sister is in the Water Realm. I can give you more details.”

  Smiling cruelly, Maddock moved closer to the portal. “Very well. Tell me more.”

  “McDermot is fearless. He’s never failed a job, but he won’t be simple to hire. Which is why I mention his sister. He usually only takes jobs going after those who are considered evil.

  “And you’re sure he can do the job?”

  “Very. He’s hunted many dragons, young ones. If anyone can accomplish this job, he will—with the proper motivation.”

  “Interesting. I’ll find him. And I’ll even offer him a hefty payment when he returns with them.”

  Chapter 11

  Waterfront Pizza was a cozy upstairs restaurant. Apparently, you could order pizza downstairs for pick-up. She definitely saw the charm.

  Lonny leaned forward and took her hand. “I’ve found Port Townsend a good place to get away and hide.”

  “I see the charm of this place. I’m looking forward to exploring more with you.”

  “I’m just looking forward to being with you today, and every day.”

  Smiling, she dropped her head. “Me too.”

  “I can’t tell you how happy you’ve made me. I’d given up on this outcome.”

  “Yeah, I had to work to convince you otherwise.”

  “You know, the only reason I planned to leave was to ensure your happiness. I understood why you didn’t want to be with a Fae. So I wanted to give you the room to find what you needed. It was the only reason.”

  She moved to his side of the table and put her head on his shoulder. “I would have followed you. One way or another I would have found you. I would have convinced you.”

  He kissed the top of her head, holding her close. “We’re here now.”

  She sat up, looking into his eyes. “My dad, I mean Divad, always filled my head with nonsense. He convinced me I would be a weak Fae all my life. I don’t know what to think.”