Twisted Bonds Read online

Page 9

  Her eyes narrowed. “You promised nothing would happen tonight.”

  “I was wrong. It may not happen often, but it has been known to happen. Either Canton didn’t enchant the dress as we asked, or someone swapped the dress.”

  “I’ll speak to him.”

  “We’ll speak to him.”

  Amethyst’s gaze swept through the room before landing on Aeryana. “If everyone left the room, I could change her. The dress is a mess.”

  Aeryana smiled. “I’ll help you, Amethyst. If you don’t mind.”

  “Of course not, your Majesty.”

  She smiled. “There is no need to call me that. You saved my daughter.”

  A slight smile graced her lips. “I couldn’t let her suffer. I’m glad I was here.”

  Aeryana looked at Reance and Hayden. “Please, step outside.”

  Reance stood and stepped into the hallway with Hayden. “Things are moving faster than I imagined. Do you think you could convince Amethyst to stay a few days?”

  Hayden looked at the door. “I can’t see a reason she wouldn’t.”

  “Please ask her. I don’t believe Isadora will need healing again, but Toryn and Endiscott will. Jayde won’t be able to take the poison from them. Isadora can’t counter poison. A nymph as powerful as her will be able to.”

  “What poison?”

  “Arachnian toxin.”


  “Saressa mated him after Endiscott’s bond was broken.”

  “Shit. Why are Gebiet and Kasai involved?”

  “Saressa claimed Gebiet,” Reance answered.

  “I see. I’m sure Amethyst will enjoy staying.”

  “Thank you, Hayden. Anything you need, please ask.”

  Aeryana stepped into the hall. “Thank you for coming. I’m glad you finally came back.”

  “For a few days. Not for good,” Hayden answered. “I will forever be loyal to your side, but I will not live in this realm as long as Amethyst calls Earth home.”

  “I know. Your home is Edenton. I still consider you a friend. And you are welcome back anytime you’d like to bring your mate to explore.”

  “We may take you up on that.”

  Dipping her head, she stepped to the side. “You can join Amethyst. I trust you with my daughter’s life.”

  “Nothing will get through me,” Hayden promised.

  Chapter 13

  “You shall not touch him,” Saressa ordered Damha. She couldn’t tear her eyes from the man she’d made so many mistakes with.


  She felt true love for Endiscott even now.

  And as much as it pained her to admit her weakness, she didn’t want to see him violated once again.

  “I’ve already laid my venom. I need to control him to make our plan work,” Damha hissed.

  “And Toryn?” Saressa asked, taking in another man she craved, and had for as long as she’d known him. He was a beautiful creature. And like Endiscott, had always resisted her advances.

  “Infected with my bite, though the bond is not forming. Something is preventing it.” Damha’s eyes locked on Saressa. “There is only one thing that can, and he shouldn’t have had access to Deathknell Ichor.”

  Saressa hissed. “My brother’s doing, I’m sure. We can worry about that later. Right now, I need your oath you won’t touch either of them other than your bite, unless I give you permission to hurt one or the other.” Not that she would let him harm Endiscott further. The venom, he could survive the small amount—over a week even, but more and he would only wither and die.

  “And you won’t touch them in a sensual manner,” he demanded.

  She held out her hand. They gripped each other’s forearm. Silk wove up her arm as her fire and water trailed over his skin before sinking into the other.

  Once the magic finished, Saressa smirked. “I can still torture them both.”

  “Of course you can. But I will not allow you to find release with another.”

  Her lips quirked. “Jealous, lover?”

  He drew closer, rising above her. “You are mine as I am yours. I do love you.” Sounded more like hate.

  Damha wrapped his arms around her waist and hauled her up against him. “And I will be the only one who touches you in a sensual manner.”

  “You already are,” she replied. Though she prayed she found a way to be rid of Damha soon.

  * * * *

  Pain radiated up and down Toryn’s side so strong he was afraid to move. He felt whole, but something was seriously wrong. He reached for his link to Isa and got nothing but agony.

  Opening one eye, he glanced at his surroundings. Cold stone walls, dripping water, a musty scent. Then he found Scotty slumped in the corner of the same cell.

  His eyes were empty, staring off into space.

  Toryn sat up and found the collar around his neck, tethering him to the wall. His clothes were still on. So were Scotty’s.

  If Saressa had them, wouldn’t they be naked already? Sick bitch didn’t begin to cover her.

  “Scotty,” Toryn whispered, then crawled in front of Scotty. He caught Scotty’s chin and forced his gaze to his. “Scotty, snap out of it.”

  Nothing. He moved as directed but nothing else. Then he saw the red mark at Scotty’s throat and pushed the collar aside. Two thick punctures caked over with dried blood and puss.

  “Fucking abyss,” he muttered and pushed healing energy at Scotty. The wounds closed up, but Scotty gave no response.

  Hopefully he’d locked himself away deep within his mind.

  The phantom pain started to melt away, then disappeared completely. He reached for Isa again, but she was out. He couldn’t get a sense of what had happened and he didn’t remember anything after Scotty had knocked him out.

  Shit, he never suspected his closest friend would hold enough power to weave a sleep spell over him. Then again, he wasn’t prepared for it because he’d been too worried about Scotty.

  Fuck, this was his fault. Had he prepared for all the possible outcomes, he could have countered the spell and pushed Scotty into action…no, he had a feeling Scotty was going to be useless until the venom dissipated.

  How long would that take? He didn’t know. Most Arachnians’ victims became something like drones, only following orders as directed.

  Every case he knew of the victim died before the Arachnian. Could Scotty survive this? He fucking hoped so. More than a century before him reuniting with his mate. Neither Scotty, nor Jayde, deserved the pain.

  “Awake now, Toryn?” Saressa murmured.

  He spun around, calling forth fire.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. The spell will only harm Scotty. The wards will redirect any harmful spell to both of you and I already know you’re immune to fire.”

  “You fucking bitch. What have you let that monster do to him?”

  “Nothing.” She gazed at Scotty with such longing Toryn wanted to reach through the bars and pluck Saressa’s eyes from her head.

  “Neither of us will use you for our own pleasure.” A lustful sigh escaped her lips as she raked her eyes over him. “As much as I would love to break you to my will, I fear you won’t break, and I would only grow frustrated and kill you before I have a chance to bend Isadora into the monster she was always meant to be.”

  “Isadora will never become a monster,” he snarled.

  “Oh, we’ll see what she does to save you. You will be tortured. I will break your body, rend your flesh, and make you wish you were never born. And Scotty will help. Imagine what that will do to his already damaged state of mind.”

  He glared back. “Isadora will destroy you, Saressa.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “We’ll see about that. You may have found a way to prevent Damha from controlling you, but that means I’ll do worse to you.”

  She disappeared in a puff of steam, and he backed away with a hiss. He reached for Isa again, but got nothing more
than peace.

  * * * *

  Toryn reached for her.

  Isa felt his presence, but remembered the dead look in Scotty’s eyes when he came up the tower steps. Then the crushing feeling.

  Isa jolted up, running her hands down her body. A simple silk gown clung to her frame. A young nymph with violet eyes moved into her vision. “Careful, Isadora. I’m not positive how well I mended your insides.”

  “Feel fine. Need Toryn.”

  A gruff voice pulled her attention. “I’ll get the king.”

  She glanced up to see a hulking man start for the door. She flung her hand out, snapping the door shut and flicking her wrist, locking the bolt.

  “No. Reance will try to tell me to wait. I don’t have time for that shit. I need to get to the Water Realm.”

  “You were nearly crushed, Princess,” the woman stated.

  Isa climbed to her feet with a snarl. “I’m fine. You did an excellent job. Now, you need to let me find my clothes, and I can be out of here before anyone realizes I’m awake.”

  “I promised I would inform the king,” the giant answered.

  Isa shook her head, one corner of her mouth lifting. “I’d rather not harm either of you as I leave.”

  “You won’t harm us,” the man warned. “Don’t be so hasty. There is a reason Reance wants to know you’re awake.”

  “You’re related to Xander, correct? Sheriff in Edenton?” Isa looked at Amethyst and smirked. “And you’re Amethyst. Met you in the never-ending line. Didn’t think I’d remember anyone.”

  Hayden’s brows knitted, a scowl on his face.

  Isa’s head cocked.

  “Amethyst is a nymph. Reance knew you would need healing and didn’t want her brother healing you, or Jayde. Wasn’t sure how well either would go over.”

  Isa snorted. “Don’t nymphs need sexual energy to heal?”

  “Not all of us,” Amethyst answered meekly.

  “Look, I appreciate what you’ve done, but I can feel the bond between you and He-man over there. I have the same bond with Toryn and I know he’s afraid of something. I can’t get into his head right now, but I’m not trying yet. And I know my father has some grand plan, but I’m not interested in his way. I can’t leave Toryn or Scotty in that palace.”

  Amethyst froze, her eyes shining. She knew one of them. Isa couldn’t help wondering which one, but it didn’t matter.

  “You may not be able to get there so easily,” Hayden warned.

  “I bet I can. Alenathos will help. I can heal him if need be.”

  “You can heal?” Amethyst asked.

  “Um…I can heal Toryn. Not sure about anyone else.” She lifted a shoulder. “If Alenathos won’t take me, I’ll find another way. Kellan gave me enough memories I’ll be able to find a path to the castle.”

  She turned toward the dresser and pulled the gown over her head.

  Hayden cleared his throat. “Put that back on.”

  “I’m changing. I have clothes from Monique. You’re from Edenton. I assume you know what her enchantments can do. Since my mother’s dressmaker screwed me on that dress, I don’t trust a single garment from here.” With that, she hurried into leather pants, a corseted tank, and boots, then grabbed her jacket.

  “What about the dress?” Amethyst asked.

  “My mother’s designer enchanted the dress. It fit itself to my body, but that was about it. Apparently, it was supposed to provide armor in case of a problem.” Isa shook her head. “I don’t really know. I didn’t actually ask her because Toryn didn’t mention that fact until after the wedding.”

  Once she had her boots laced, Isa turned back to Amethyst, figuring she’d give her answers at least. “What happened to me? I remember pain, and that was it.”

  “Your arm and leg were crushed. Your ribs on your left side were busted. I think you had a punctured lung. It was bad.”

  She smiled. “You’re talented. Thank you. Now, I’m sure you would do anything for He-man, so don’t keep me here.”

  “Of course,” Amethyst answered, smiling up at the big guy.

  The door burst open. Reance walked in with He-man’s brother. The general of two realms.

  Well, fuck.

  Then Aeryana and Kellan stepped into the room, followed by Preston.

  Isa didn’t wait for a single word before she launched into her idea. “Look, I know you want me to wait for the whole damned cavalry, but I don’t have time for that shit,” Isa stated as she tied her hair into a braid. “Besides, I’ll get farther by myself than with a bunch of people.”

  “You realize this could be a death sentence?” Reance demanded.

  She fixed him with a glare. “I know you’re a patient man and managed to wait centuries between seeing my mother, but I will not live that way.”

  She slipped past Reance and reached the window.

  “How are you going to get there?” Reance asked.

  “What? Did you forbid Alenathos from coming to the castle somehow? I’m sure I can find another way out.” Didn’t matter that the castle floated on an island two hundred feet above the ground.

  “You cannot go alone,” he shouted, shaking his head. “Bring Jayde at the very least.”

  Isa glared back. “You didn’t want her to heal me, remember.”

  “Her mate is in danger. Healing gives her access to powers she may not be able to control. And I couldn’t guarantee she wouldn’t pull too much power from you.”

  “I wouldn’t mind if she took my clairvoyance. Hell, if I could hand it over I would. Why are we wasting time? Why are you stalling? What the fuck do you think will actually happen?”

  “If you are not prepared you will watch Toryn die, and Saressa will rip your morality to pieces.”

  “I have mana-blades. I can call forth a dozen different weapons. I can think of spells on the fly. What else do you think I need?”

  “Patience. You go out there this angry and you will lose every battle. You need a cool head.”

  “A cool head? You really expect me to have a cool head when I know what that bitch did to one of my closest friends for more than a century? What she’s capable of doing to Toryn? He may not talk about it, but I’ve seen what the witch hunters did to him when he was still a boy. The longer I stay here, the worse it will be for both of them. And it doesn’t help that I can feel Toryn but not reach his mind.”

  Reance stalked toward her, staring into her eyes. “You need a plan. And you need allies.”

  “I don’t know anyone in Faery, and I don’t have the time to waste on making friends. I won’t let that bitch and her creepy mate touch them for longer than it takes me to get there. And then I hope like hell it hasn’t taken too long.”

  Four dragons entered the room. Ororo, Aquila, Alenathos, and Fuerah.

  Alenathos met Isa’s gaze, determination burning in the deep blue depths. “We can help. There’s a very dangerous earth dragon on Saressa’s side now.”

  The man next to Hayden stepped forward. “Let me go. You’ll need someone with my talents to open the caved in passages.”

  Isa’s eyes slid to Xander. “Regardless of what my father thinks?”

  He nodded. “Toryn has come to my aid in the past. It’s the least I can do.”

  Kellan, Zoe, Lonny, and Jayde pushed through the crowd and entered the room. “We’re ready to go.”

  Preston’s icy blue eyes locked on hers.

  Isa shook her head. She wanted a small force, not a whole damned army. She couldn’t lead. She just wanted to sneak in, tear shit up, and get the fuck out.

  “This is too many people,” she protested.

  “Maybe,” Alenathos admitted. “However, I believe she has the Water Realm warded against anyone who isn’t blood, or those who once served her. I’m not even sure I’d be able to get in now, but if Kellan goes with you, you’ll be able to get past most anything.”

  “And if you all can’t get through?”<
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  “Once the wards come down, we’ll be there,” Fuerah answered.

  Isa turned to Kellan. “I don’t expect you to help me kill your mother.”

  “You came through for me. Let me come through for you,” Kellan replied.

  Reance smiled. “Together you all stand a chance. Alone, you don’t, Isa. Not when things get bad.”

  Hayden looked at Amethyst. “We could come.”

  Amethyst nodded.

  Jayde looked at the nymph and shook her head. “No, Amethyst, I have a feeling you only have experience in healing, not truly fighting. You should be ready for those who need healing.”

  “That works too.” Amethyst looked mostly relieved. At just over five feet and her curvy body, there wasn’t much chance she would be great in a fight. Isa knew nymphs didn’t have much in the way of offensive magic.

  “Let’s go,” Isadora said, starting for the hall.

  “Wait!” Reance demanded. “You need some kind of plan with several options if things don’t go the way you want.”

  Isadora turned to Reance. “You’ve seen multiple paths?”

  He nodded slowly.

  “And you’re scared something bad is going to happen?”

  “Yeah. I am. But if I tell you, then you’ll stress over it and overthink. I’m hoping you not knowing leads you in the right direction.”

  “Fucking bullshit. Your cryptic fucking warnings don’t do shit.” She pushed past everyone to find her way out.

  Aeryana stepped into her path. “One thing, Isadora, please.”

  “What?” she snapped.

  “Kick Saressa’s ass.”

  One corner of her mouth tugged up and she hugged her mother.

  Aeryana whispered in her ear, “And slaughter Damha before he can cause too much trauma to my friends.”

  “He’ll die. That I promise.” Isa walked past her mother, to the balcony at the end of the hall. The dragons reformed into their bigger, winged shapes.

  Isadora climbed onto Alenathos’ back as the others took seats on the other dragons.

  “Go,” she told Alenathos.

  He shot into the air, and she clung to one of the spikes coming out of his back.