Shadows of the Past Page 8
A big heavyset man came lumbering out. “Now, Delilah, don’t waste your breath on this asshole. I’ll get rid of him.” He wrapped a meaty fist in Zack’s jacket and dragged him out the booth and then shoved him out the door. Zack stumbled and landed on his ass hard. Again, he tried to push his will into the cook and couldn’t get past his defenses.
Zack stared up at them in disbelief. That was twice he was thrown out. What in the Abyss was going on with people? Usually he was welcomed with open arms, much like Stacey. He needed to find out why so many people seemed to be immune to his finer talents. Something was keeping him from twisting their darker emotions until they broke through.
Chapter 5
“Want some help?” Hayden’s voice startled Amethyst as she opened the back of her Jeep.
She found him stepping off the trail between their houses. “Uh, sure.” A little smile lifted her lips as she tucked her hair behind her ear and glanced away. “What are you doing here?”
He nodded to the path behind him, and she saw the house beyond. “I saw you pull up and thought I could give you a hand.”
“Oh, well thanks.”
Hayden motioned toward her groceries. “Besides, this way, you only have to make one trip.”
“I appreciate it.” She grabbed half the bags and let him take the rest as she hurried up the stairs. He made her nervous and she didn’t look back when she said, “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure.” His tone was open and honest.
Amethyst took a deep breath and set her bags on the counter to begin putting things away. “Are you always this nice to everyone? Or is it just because we’re both Fae?” Or is it something more? But she wouldn’t let that last question leave her mouth. She was afraid of the answer, even more of her response.
Hayden snorted. “A few people will tell you I’m an ass, probably most of them.” He lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “I’m not always the easiest person to get along with, but I treat everyone fairly.”
That really wasn’t an answer. She turned to him with narrowed eyes and was about to ask a question.
“I’ll be honest, Amethyst. You are a beautiful young woman, and I want to get to know you. Not because you’re fae, though that does appeal to me.”
Her face fell. She didn’t know how to take that. So she stood there staring at him. Part of her was scared, but the other part wanted to climb him like a jungle gym and play.
The fear won out. Blushing, she blurted out, “I’m not ready for a relationship, or any naked playtime just now. So, if that’s all you’re interested in, you should probably go.”
One corner of his plump, juicy mouthy turned up, “I know that, but are you writing off making new friends?”
That felt like a knife twisting in her chest even if he was agreeing to her terms. He probably had just written anything more than the darned “f” word off for good, but she just needed a little time. Of course, if she complained she would just look like an idiot.
“No.” She sighed. “Just friends then?”
“That’s right.”
“Good.” she turned back around, and tried not to be disappointed. If it wasn’t for that fact that she still felt guilty for Carl’s death, even though her rational brain knew she wasn’t, she wouldn’t be such a chicken about exploring something with the gorgeous sheriff.
Just the way her magic responded to him made her curious, and a little frightened. She hadn’t meant to completely heal his piercings, and he hadn’t even noticed the needle breaking through skin or cartilage. Usually, it took more concentration to completely block the pain. With him, she just naturally blocked it without even trying.
It was strangely comforting to have him moving around her little kitchen with her, like he belonged in her space. She put the fresh fruits in a bowl and when she turned around, he was right there looking down at her with a soft smile. Time froze for a moment, and they both watched, waiting.
Now her body responded, just like it had as she stood over him while piercing his ear. Chemistry was brewing between them, and she wasn’t so broken after all.
He took a step back and a deep breath. His lids slid to half-mast as his nostrils flared.
“Sorry,” Hayden murmured. “I need to go change before I head over to the bar. I’ll see you a little later.” His eyes were darkened with desire, but he moved around the counter to the door.
“Oh, well thanks. I appreciate the help,” but not him leaving.
He looked back at her with a wolfish grin. She felt his lust, and that only cranked hers up a few more notches. She was wet and achy and could only stand there as she watched him walk out the door.
Maybe I should rethink my menu. She just wasn’t sure if her guilt over Carl wouldn’t sneak up on her at the wrong moment.
No matter how delicious he might be, she was fasting, and she needed to remember that, at least until she could sort out her own feelings about what had happened with Carl.
She glanced at the clock. There was still time for a swim.
Unlike her brother, she didn’t turn scaly like a siren, and she didn’t grow gills or anything freaky. Not that they were freaky looking, even in their siren forms. They were hauntingly beautiful in every form.
Thankfully, Amethyst just breathed through her pores under water. At least that’s what Mathis told her. She couldn’t do glamour, but she could soothe just about anything or anyone. She could heal better than most other fae and that was strictly raw ability. In order to heal herself, she had to siphon certain emotions from someone else.
She was stronger and faster than most humans, but not most fae, and she was certainly nowhere near Hayden’s league. There was more coiled power in his little finger than her whole body. His energy still hummed through her from the night before. Every time they touched, their magic mingled, and she craved more, but she was still afraid. Maybe Paavo could make her understand, or Mathis. He was better at explaining things anyway.
She hurried down the stairs, and looked around. Hayden was gone. Fallon and Brody weren’t back yet. Grinning, she just about skipped down the short trail and stepped onto the little dock. It was more of a place to toss her clothes, than for a boat.
* * * *
Instead of heading home, Hayden took a walk in the forest behind their houses. It took everything he had in him to walk away from Amethyst after their gazes locked and her scent had intensified. He wanted to chase, but knew she would bolt. Whatever happened in her past still haunted her. He wanted to chase away her fear, but he wasn’t sure how.
He was already a good distance from Brody’s dock when he heard the crunch of gravel on the path. He turned and saw her hair from where he stood, and ducked into the brush. He didn’t want to startle her, but he was curious what she was doing out there.
His breath caught as she pulled her shirt over her head and her high, full breasts bounced free. She hooked her thumbs in her skirt and slipped it off, leaving her bare. He was painfully hard from just a glimpse of her luscious curves in the distance. The little nymph might just kill him if she got any closer.
She dove into the water. Well, that answered his question. He wanted to smack himself. That should have been obvious. Of course, lake plus nymph equals swim. He should have figured that out. Now it was too late to let her know he was watching without coming off like a pervert, which he now was because he couldn’t take his eyes off of her as she swam closer.
Amethyst seemed at home in the water and free of any inhibitions as she swam. He knew he wore a genuine smile as he watched her move gracefully through the lake.
She finally came to the surface and floated onto her back. Her hair splayed out in the water and the sun brought out all the varied shades of purple. Her eyes were closed, her lashes fanned out against her cheeks. Her little tongue swept across her plump lips.
He tried to look away, but his eyes caught on her breasts and her tight little nipples. She had a barbell through each. He wanted to tug ever so slightly to learn what sound she would make.<
br />
Oh shit, where did that thought come from? Piercings had never been a turn on.
Her fingers trailed up her ribs and back down. He followed the movement with his greedy eyes. She was completely bare of hair from the neck down, and she was open to his gaze. His mouth watered as he wondered how she sweet she would taste.
Amethyst was resplendent perfection. She had an hour glass figure with soft curves on a slender frame. She dragged her fingers down and back up to cup her breasts. He was so damned hard that his zipper threatened to leave permanent marks on his cock, but he didn’t dare move, let alone breathe.
He knew it was wrong. She’d probably hate him if she found out. Fallon would kill him, and Brody would help. Guilt made him try to look away, but desire held his gaze rooted to her.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he winced. A smile curved her mouth as she turned over to swim away. She climbed out of the water. Like the bastard that he was, he wished he were closer to watch the water bead up and roll down her body.
She turned in his direction and slowly pulled her clothes on before tossing her hair over her shoulder to walk back to her apartment.
As soon as she was out of sight, he answered his phone that was buzzing for the third time.
* * * *
Amethyst parked behind In 2 Deep. The first thing she noticed was that Hayden’s big SUV was MIA. Her smile fell clean off her face. She had been looking forward to seeing him. A dozen doubts swirled through her head as she smoothed out her skirt and walked inside.
Probably work related. He couldn’t possibly know that I know.
Knowing he watched without a word should have scared the daylights out of her. Instead, it was the hottest thing she had ever experienced. He’d hidden in the trees, but she felt his eyes on her. She knew he couldn’t make a sound, and he had wanted her. His desire was tangible. She drank it up and taunted him a little. It was dangerous, but he made her feel so incredibly sexy she couldn’t resist giving him a little show.
Feeling lonely, she made her way to Adam and Danika’s table. They were the first ones there. “Hey, where is everyone?”
Adam shrugged. “Brody and Fallon are probably playing naked shower twister. Darla was running late at work. There was a bad accident, and she had to go into surgery. Jolene is a nurse, and is probably stuck, too. They’ll all be here. Tomahawk said he would be on his way soon.”
If there was an accident, it probably meant Hayden was busy. That high she’d been feeling drooped.
Danika raised a single brow and turned to Adam. “Hey babe, can you go get us a drink?”
“Sure, what would you like, Ame?”
“Surprise me. Just make sure it’s sinfully fruity.”
“I can do that.” Adam winked and left them by themselves.
“You were asking about Sheriff Eyeball, weren’t you?” Danika snickered.
“No.” Only because she assumed he would make the list, and she really wasn’t ready for his attention, even if she craved it. Oh, but she did crave it. Where is he?
“But you were thinking about him.” It was a statement, and it was true.
“Trying not to.” Amethyst wrinkled her nose and shrugged, hoping it was convincing. She was trying, but it was darned near impossible to stop.
Danika leaned closer. “What happened?”
“Nothing,” but man, her cheeks were hot, dang near on fire.
Danika’s brow arched. “You look guilty. I promise not to tell a soul.”
She figured it wouldn’t hurt to trust Danika, who seemed a little wilder than Darla. Amethyst leaned in to whisper, “I went for a swim, naked. He watched, but he was hiding. He doesn’t know I know, but I kind of got off on it.”
“Oh wow, and you’re cool with it?”
Amethyst nodded.
Danika grinned. “I won’t tell. I think Fallon or Brody would kick his ass. Maybe even Tom after he got all snippy about Simons. Hayden is a good guy. I’m sure he feels guilty, but I bet he’d do it again.” She glanced around the bar before adding, “He tried really hard not to watch you last night, but he’s actually interested in a woman for the first time that I’ve ever seen.”
“Doubtful, there are plenty of beautiful women in Edenton. They certainly noticed him last night.” She heaved a sigh. “Besides, I don’t want a man stepping in and taking over. He seems like the in charge type and I am done with that. It’s probably why I like the idea of him watching and not touching.” She had a feeling she would change her tune if he put those big rough hands on her body.
“He won’t take over. You’ll fight back and he’ll give in—most of the time.” Danika looked over at Adam. “Adam does the same thing, but then he realizes I’m usually right. Hayden is completely captivated by you. The way he watches you is really hot. I’ve never seen him like that.”
She couldn’t argue with that. “Still, it’s not going to happen. Not right now. Not after the mess I just left. I want to get to know him, make sure he’s genuine.” She hadn’t meant to say that, but she felt he was. It didn’t make her feel any better because she had made too many bad decisions in the past. “He is nice to look at though.”
“Oh, yeah he is. So big and feral, and you just know he could pick you up by the ass and nail you against the wall.”
Amethyst blushed and swallowed hard. “Thanks for putting that image in my head.”
“What image?” Adam asked with a raised brow as he slid into his seat.
“Don’t ask.” Danika giggled. “I didn’t think I’d be able to make the woman who pierced three dicks and a clit in a single day blush, but I did it.”
“Right, I think I’m scared.” Adam kissed Danika before handing Amethyst something green. Her head tilted and he shrugged. “You said fruity. It’s a Scooby Snack, just taste it.”
First sip and she grinned. “Mmm, it is yummy.”
Tomahawk came through the door with a tired looking Darla, and Amethyst relaxed a little. Maybe if they were showing up, Hayden would too.
Chapter 6
Instead of driving to the bar, Hayden drove straight to the site of the accident. He wasn’t sure which made him feel worse, skipping out on Amethyst and that game of pool, or playing peeping Tom.
He pulled onto the road and came to a stop before the barricade. It was the same damned road where he’d found the wrecked van when Fallon had been abducted a few weeks before. Stacey’s minivan was wrapped around a tree across the street from the previous crime scene.
Erik saw Hayden coming and looked up with a nod. He was another officer, and was also a necromancer. It took Hayden months to get used to the fact that he was a good guy despite his gift for manipulating the dead. There just weren’t that many necromancers, and in Hayden’s experience, they were generally worse than dark mages who had lost their connection to their own magic and were forced to tear magic from Others.
“How is Simons?” Hayden asked.
“He’s a mess.” He shoved his hands in his pockets and shrugged. “What do you expect? His wife was in bad shape when I got here. They had to cut her out of the van.”
“You didn’t see him lose it the other night. I had to drag him away from that shitty little hotel before he slaughtered the little prick who was banging his wife on the hood of his damned car.”
Erik nodded. “He saw her bloody and unconscious. He’s over whatever happened. He just wants her to be okay.” There was an understanding in Erik’s dark gaze.
Hayden wasn’t sure he believed that, but that was Simons’ decision to make. He changed the subject. “Do we know what happened? Stacey doesn’t have so much as a speeding ticket.”
“There were no other cars on the road when we found her. It doesn’t look like anyone else was involved in the crash. I don’t know, Hayden, it just feels wrong.”
That it did. He could feel the lingering hint of something primal and dark, but he couldn’t place it. “I’ll take a look, but do you sense anything?”
“I sense someth
ing bad, but I can’t even begin to place it. It doesn’t feel like any human magic I know of.” He would know. He’d been through the Silver Council’s enforcer training as an experiment to include other casters in their ranks. It fell through, but Erik had a wealth of arcane knowledge.
“I’ll take a look.” Hayden moved past him to the cut open driver’s side. There was a black inky substance mixed in with the blood. He froze as he stared at it, trying to remember where he had seen that before.
He reached toward it, and the black moved toward his finger. He felt the shock of magic try to push into his shields before the black substance pulled away. Hayden stood up and placed his hand on the roof of the car as an old memory swept into his mind.
His father stood on the battlefield. There were bodies everywhere, and there was black sludge mixed with the blood. It tried to move to whoever came close enough. A buzzard landed on a torn apart body and the inky substance wrapped itself around the bird. Then it flew at him with a terrible cry.
Xenu cleaved his axe through the buzzard and stepped aside, letting the blood splatter the ground and not him. The shadows that overtook the buzzard melted into the blood.
Shadow Fae, demons, or whatever in the Abyss they were. Hayden knew they were older than the fae, primal creatures that fed off all dark emotions and the chaos they caused. The Shadows needed a host to walk in any realm for more than just a moment. The old tales claimed the Shadow Fae were looking for a catalyst to return them to their true form.
The Shadow Fae were one of the few things he feared. He had never personally dealt with the Shadows because his father had helped rid Faerie of the vile creatures when he was still an infant. The stories his parents told him gave him nightmares.
The only people he knew on Earth who had any experience with the Shadows were Paavo Lakes and his man Mathis Rivers.
It appeared he needed to call Amethyst’s brother. While he was at it, maybe he would pry into what happened to Amethyst back in San Francisco.