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Shadows of the Past Page 6

  “Fallon assures me she wouldn’t, but she will fight dirty when she’s cornered. I blame Fallon for that, but in our world, that really is a good thing, and I thank God that Fallon can beat the shit out of any asshole who means her harm.”

  “Fallon is something else.” At least Brody was happy, but Hayden would never understand how such an alpha male could be with a woman who rivaled everything but his physical strength, and she made up for that with speed, magic and cunning. Brody had his hands full, but he had never been happier, so more power to them.

  * * * *

  There was a knock on the door, and Amethyst shot up off the couch. She was still in her clothes from the night before, but everything was put away already. With a yawn she peeked out the window and found Fallon there.

  Her heart sank, which was stupid, because why the heck would Hayden be on her doorstep?


  Amethyst opened the door with a sheepish shrug. “Hey. Guess I slept in.”

  “You already unpacked?” Fallon shook her head, but she didn’t look surprised. “Brody heard you putting the boxes in the recycle bin. He startled me when he left to go investigate.”

  “Sorry,” she frowned, “I’m just going to shower really, really fast and then I’ll be down. I promise.”

  “All right, but hurry. Sheriff Eyeball, as you called him, was worried just a minute ago. You are half an hour late. I’m surprised he kept his trap shut that long.”

  Of course he was worried about her. She was an infant compared to him. That thought tamped her mood down further.

  “What in the Abyss is his problem? Stupid flipping men,” she grumbled as she went back to the shower.

  Fallon’s chuckled before shutting the door.

  Deep down, she knew Carl’s suicide wasn’t her fault. She wasn’t the one to bury the blade in his chest, and she had ended their relationship months ago, but she did have sex with him to plant the suggestion to leave her alone for good.

  With all of that weighing heavy on her heart, she felt guilty for wanting Hayden so soon.

  * * * *

  Dacia came out of the shower and found that weird-ass, little freak still in her bed. “Hey, numb-nuts, I told you to get your ass out.” She shoved him, and he rolled over with a groan, flinging his arm over his eyes.

  In the sunlight, he had the weirdest shade of purplish ashy hair. It couldn’t have been dyed either. The sparse hair on his body was the same strange color. Whatever, she didn’t care. She wanted him gone.

  Grumbling, she stomped back to the bathroom to fill a glass with icy cold water.

  When she came back, she noticed the sheet had slipped. She couldn’t help snickering at the bastard’s below average prick.

  Without warning, she dumped the water right on his little-winky.

  He shot off the bed with a snarl and glared up at her.

  Her head cocked to the side with derision. “You really are short, aren’t you?”

  His hand shot up, and he pulled it back like he would slap her.

  Dacia wasn’t playing around anymore. She phased into thin air, reappeared behind the prick and shoved him toward the door. “Don’t fuck with me, and get out of my house.” Her tone was deadly.

  What’s-his-ass flipped around and launched himself at her. She phased out again and darted to the pile of his rumpled clothes. Reforming, she scooped up his jeans and throat punched him. While he was coughing, she tied him up with his own pants, and dragged him toward the rest of his belongings that she scooped up with her free hand. She shoved him down the stairs and tossed him out.

  She hurled first one shoe at his head and then the second at his pathetic equipment. Then quickly slammed the door shut and warded all entrances from the shithead.

  * * * *

  It was still pretty warm, being the beginning of June, so Amethyst braided her hair, pulled a tank top on, a loose skirt, and sandals. Her shirt was pale blue, and the skirt was floral but matched and wouldn’t clash with her coloring. She took a sweater with her and went down to face the peanut gallery.

  They all looked up when she came in. Hayden froze though, his expression softening as he smiled at her. Her heart sped up, and her stomach fluttered. His dark eyes held her gaze and she wanted to melt right there on the spot.

  Fallon broke the silence. “I made the berry tea I know you love.”

  Amethyst forced her gaze away from Hayden and over to Fallon. “Thank you.” She took a look around. “Sorry I didn’t wake up earlier. I overslept.” Hayden stood up and pulled her chair out. Heat infused her cheeks as she sat down while he towered over her. Then he pushed her in before taking his own seat.

  Fallon’s brow rose, a smirk tilting one side of her mouth.

  It was too quiet, and terribly awkward. Amethyst looked toward Brody. “Thank you. Hayden told me you make excellent food.” She took a bite of the scramble and then the pancakes. “Mmm, and he was right.”

  “No thanks needed, but thank you.” Brody grinned. Amethyst could totally see how Fallon fell for him. He was sort of perfect. Fallon had told her enough to know he was badass when the situation called for it, but all she could feel between Fallon and Brody was true love. She could almost see it, like their aura’s entwined around each other, binding them further than was normal for most mated couples. Plus, he could really cook, and Amethyst loved good food.

  “Did you sleep well?” Hayden asked.

  She swallowed and looked at him. His dark eyes were full of concern and her heart sank. Maybe she imagined the lust. “Yes, just couldn’t sleep right away, so I put things away. I forgot to set an alarm. That’s all.”

  “Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut,” he muttered, his gaze falling to his plate. “I didn’t realize you were still sleeping.”

  That was sweet, or maybe she was being silly. “No, Fallon would have come up eventually. We’re due in by ten, and it’s already after nine. I should have set my alarm.”

  He slowly met her gaze, but the concern was back. “It’s your first day in town. If you’re tired, Adam won’t rush you into the shop.”

  “Trust me, I need to work. I need to keep busy.” She shrugged. “I don’t want to think too much just now.”

  He reached over and squeezed her shoulder. She felt his magic caress hers, but he hadn’t cast anything. His eyes flared, and he wet his lips. “Whatever happened, I’m all ears if you want to talk about it.”

  “Thanks,” she said lamely and went back to eating.

  Fallon sat there, staring at the sheriff like he had grown a second head. Now she was curious what Fallon was thinking. Amethyst had the impression that Hayden was a good guy. Then again, her judgment wasn’t always spot on, so maybe she was wrong.

  She wasn’t ready for anyone, so she pushed those thoughts away and took a sip of the hot tea. There was a hint of sweet with the berries. Everyone else had coffee, but Fallon remembered she didn’t drink it. At least she assumed it was coffee in Brody’s cup, it was deceptively pale, like he only drank a splash of coffee with his milk.

  It was too quiet for the rest of breakfast. She could feel Hayden’s eyes move over her time and time again. His gaze felt like fingertips dancing over her skin in a sensual assault. She did her best to ignore it, but had to squeeze her thighs together to relieve the ache he incited.

  She took another tentative glance at Hayden. He exuded so much confidence and power that she was terrified he would step in and try to control her. That fear was the only thing holding her back from taking a chance. On the other hand, he wasn’t chasing, and that made her doubt herself. Maybe she had her signals crossed.

  Amethyst took her last bite and got up to rinse her plate. “Thank you, Brody. Breakfast was great.”

  Fallon placed a quick heated kiss on Brody’s mouth before standing. “He does this every morning.”

  “Except when you make your heaven on a plate,” he teased and she rolled her eyes.

  Amethyst’s brow arched.

  “My q
uiche.” She shrugged and there was a sheepish smile on her lips. “He loves the stuff.”

  “Oh, I don’t blame him. That is good, but we should probably go.” She nodded to the door. “It was nice seeing both of you, Hayden, Brody. I’ll see you both around.”

  “Bye, Fallon. Bye, Amethyst.” Brody called.

  “Have a good day.” Hayden smiled and his dimples made an appearance, sending her stupid heart racing.

  She just nodded, wishing he didn’t affect her so strongly.

  Fallon took her arm and pulled her outside with a grin. As soon as the door shut, she started in, “I think he likes you.”

  “Don’t. Even if he does, I’m not ready yet,” she warned, and started for her Jeep.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Fallon frowned.

  “I have to go to the store later, and I’m assuming Brody will pick you up. So, I figured I could drive. That way no one has to babysit the new girl.”

  “You were always a planner.”

  Chapter 4

  “Do you really think we’ll find anything here?” Robert asked as he followed Preston into Carl’s shitty little apartment. “Seriously, what would the team have missed?”

  Preston plowed a hand through his hair before glancing back at his oldest friend. “Look, I don’t know, man. I just want to check it out. Something doesn’t add up. Corpses don’t get up and leave. We saw that tape. It was in black and white, but did you notice he was darker, and not like suntan darker, but weird darker.”

  Robert’s brow arched. “I’m not sure I ever met Carl. How would I remember what he looks like?”

  That was true. Preston only knew because he did check up on Amethyst and her mother when he could. Opal had saved his life twice, and he may have been a little enthralled both times. At least she was sweet about it, and helped him get over it in his own way.

  That meant spending a lot of time with Opal while she was pregnant and after she had Amethyst. He even changed Ame’s diapers a few times. Somewhere along the way he started developing feelings that left him uncomfortable because she was so damned young.

  He never felt like such a perverted dick until a very young Amethyst started to come onto him. Preston could still remember his conscience warring with his desire.

  Amethyst was curvy at fifteen. Her hips swayed as she walked across the room and hiked up her skirt to climb onto his lap. He was so stunned he didn’t move at first. She leaned in, her full breasts brushing against his chest as her breath danced over his ear.

  She whispered, “I want you to lay me back, spread my legs and drive into me until I feel you all the way to my soul.”

  Like the bastard he knew he was, he wanted to do just that with every fiber of his being, especially when she trailed kisses down his jaw and caught his bottom lip between her teeth. He swallowed hard, and tried to find reason.

  Her tiny hands trailed down his chest and started to unbutton his fly, snapping him back to reality. His conscience kicked in, screaming at him that she was just a child.

  Preston shot to his feet, and Amethyst fell to the floor. She stared up at him with wide eyes and her mouth hanging open.

  His voice was strained. “Babydoll, you don’t want to do this. I’m not for you.”

  “You could be. I would make it good.” Her voice cracked when he shook his head and took a few steps back. Tears filled her eyes. “Preston, please. I want you, only you. I’ve waited for you.”

  “Don’t, you don’t. Trust me. You don’t. I can’t,” he stammered.

  Her gaze dropped to his fly and he saw hope flash through her dazzling eyes. “You’re ready for me. You want me.”

  He closed his eyes and held up his hands. “No. We can’t.”


  “You’re too young. I won’t take that from you.” He turned and walked out the door.

  Some days, he regretted that decision, because he really thought he could fall for her. He was just terrified of ruining that sweet, precious innocence she still carried, even after everything she had been through.

  Besides, he really felt something for Jamie and he refused to screw that up. Maybe he was finally growing up, because he wanted to be a better man for Jamie.

  Yup, he was a class “A” prick. Preston shrugged off his conflicted desires and stepped into the apartment. Magic he had never felt before pricked his senses, and pressed in on him as he moved further into the room. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something much darker was there.

  Preston stopped in the middle of the room and closed his eyes as he reached out with his other senses. He could feel the chaos bleeding through a shield that the first Council team had missed.

  “Fuck,” Preston muttered as he held out his hands and started to draw energy into his palms.

  “What is it?” Robert asked. His tone was definitely more serious.

  He shook his head and started chanting, infusing his magic into the energy before he threw it at the shield.

  Preston opened his eyes just in time to watch the golden glow of his energy slam into nothing. A black web of shadows materialized as the threads caught fire and disintegrated.

  “What the…,” Robert trailed off.

  Preston was too busy staring to say a word. There was blood everywhere but it was tainted with a black oily substance. He crouched down to run his fingers through the mess. The black inky shit moved as if trying to reach for him. As soon as it made contact it pulled away but the cold sting of foreign magic shot across his arm before fading.

  “That’s not right,” Robert said from beside him.

  “No shit, brainiac.” He took a look around and found a parchment with fae symbols on it. “Damn it. That slimy little prick was playing way out in the deep end when he should have been in the fucking kiddie pool.”

  Preston whispered a spell to protect his shoes before moving to pick up the scroll. That black slimy shit tried to reach for him again and he dropped the parchment. “That’s some freaky shit right there. Do the Fae have some goo like Venom?”

  Robert’s brow arched. “What?”

  Rolling his eyes, he muttered, “Forget it.” He marched into the kitchen and found some cheap-ass salad prongs that he warded as he walked back. He picked the parchment up and stared at it. The black ooze sort of slid around the paper, as if it were looking for someone or something to cling to.

  “Got any idea what that is?” Preston pointed at the stuff, then at the symbols. “Or how to read this?”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t. Maybe archives would have a clue.”

  “Perfect, a bunch of scholarly assholes who always snub us.”

  “Snub you, my friend, snub you.” Robert took a step toward the door. “Unless you have something else you want to look for, we should go. This place is giving me the creeps.”

  “Yeah, tell me about it.”

  * * * *

  Hayden sat at his desk, going over case files. Simons walked in, and down across from him without a sound.

  “I thought I told you to take a couple days off,” Hayden said as he looked up at the big werewolf. At least he was still in his street clothes.

  Simons nodded. “You did, but that’s not why I’m here. You were right to give me time to cool off.”

  Hayden sat back and rested his hands on the arms of the chair. “So why are you here?”

  Simons cleared his throat and dropped his gaze. “I was hoping you knew where I could find her. I owe the girl an apology. Amethyst, right? I scared her, I didn’t mean to, but I saw her hair and piercings, and it reminded me of Zack. I thought that maybe they were related, and then I lost it, which wasn’t fair.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Look at Dacia and Dane. They couldn’t be more different and they’re related. Not that Amethyst is related to that scum Zack, but that’s what I assumed.”

  Hayden nodded. That he could almost understand. “You’ll behave? Because I assure you, she is not related to that little weasel. I know Amethyst’s brother.

  “She isn’t human. When I took the time to think about it, I figured it out.” Simons met his gaze, and there was real regret in his expression. “I was in the wrong. I just want to apologize. I shouldn’t have dragged her around like that. She didn’t freak out, and she didn’t even argue. The more I think about it, the more she reminds me of my daughter, Delilah. I feel like shit for the way I treated her.”

  She deserved an apology, and Simons was sincere. Hayden nodded. “Inktastic, but Adam tells me she’s busy. I don’t know when you’ll be able to see her.”

  “And how do you know that?” Simons smirked. “You interested in that little lady?”

  Shrugging, he thought about it a moment. He wasn’t ready to say too much. “She’s my kind, or close. For now, I just want to get to know her. I called to schedule an appointment.”

  Simons’ brows rose as his eyes widened.

  Hayden narrowed his eyes. “My ear. Nothing more.”

  “And you haven’t done it before now?” Simons chuckled as he leaned back. “You’re actually interested in a woman. That’s got to be a first.”

  Hayden groaned. “She’s fae. Of course I’m curious about her. It’s nothing serious.” For now that was true. As soon as she showed a hint of real interest he knew he’d chase. He knew he would never be able to resist. First, he wanted to know who or what had put the fear in her eyes.


  “It’s the same as how you wolves like to congregate.”

  One dark brow arched, and Simons said, “You don’t hang out with Phineas or Dacia.”

  “Dacia is a raging bitch. Phineas’ breed is a solitary one. Brownies don’t seek others like some of us.”

  “All right, I’ll leave you alone. I just want to go apologize to her.” Simons got up and headed for the door. “What time are you going down?”

  “Five. I guess I’m the last one scheduled.”