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Shadows of the Past Page 4
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Page 4
“Follow me, please?” Hayden asked. With as timid as she was, he didn’t want to give the impression he was commanding her to do anything.
His instinct wanted him to protect her, but he knew she wouldn’t appreciate that sentiment.
Amethyst seemed innocent, but so incredibly sensual at the same time. Hayden wanted to know her, in every sense of the word, but had a feeling he was going to have to take it really slow and work at gaining her trust.
She nodded, but rolled her eyes. Her attitude had finally started to come out, and he hoped that was a good sign. That maybe she was starting to trust him a little.
Chapter 2
A smile twisted Zack’s lips. He could feel the nymph’s presence calling to him but he’d learned his lesson long ago. Amethyst was so much stronger than her grandmother. Her power tickled his senses as she grew closer.
The time he spent locked away in that damned prison realm left him weakened. It would take some time to build his strength enough to make Amethyst pay for the pain her grandmother had brought him and his kind.
A soft moan pulled his attention to the sleeping woman curled around him. Stacey was so completely bland in the sack. She’d been easy to sway as she’d been bored with her husband and their sex life, but she only wanted missionary, and then to cuddle afterward.
With a grimace, he untangled himself from the forty year old woman. She was pretty and in decent enough shape for her human years. Stacey became a sniveling mess once she realized how badly she betrayed her husband and their wedding vows. Her guilt only increased as she let Zack comfort her with his body.
Her distress over her adultery had been a tasty treat, but her husband’s rage still fueled him. Simons lost it when he saw his wife under another man in a public parking lot. Too bad his sheriff had stopped him from attacking and giving Zack a feast.
Stacey murmured, reaching for him.
He pulled his clothes on and left the tiny motel. He wouldn’t be back to their room. Sooner or later she would realize how wrong she was to let him swindle her into bed. Then she’d fall apart, wallowing in grief and guilt. He’d left her tainted by his essence and he could ride her depression without being near her. Now he was on to the next target.
Maybe he would catch a glimpse of his real prey. He had watched Sapphire’s family over centuries, and as soon as he realized Amethyst’s power, he started to plot a way out of his prison. She was the key to his true form.
* * * *
Gritting her teeth, Amethyst followed Hayden to In 2 Deep. She couldn’t help wondering what his deal was. He seemed awfully protective. That might have something to do with his size, the way he was ready to put a stop to Simons’ behavior, or his concern for her.
It was obvious that there was a warrior just under the surface, but he was holding it back. Probably so he wouldn’t frighten her.
In a way, she appreciated the gesture, but at the same time she was tired of people shielding her from who they were. She preferred people who were up front with her, especially after Carl swept her off her feet. It didn’t take long for his true colors to shine through.
The fact that Hayden seemed to tone down his personality made her wary, and yet she found herself trusting him anyway.
Why do I have to be so stupid when it comes to men?
He took her straight to the bar, and she parked next to his giant SUV.
As she climbed out of her Jeep, he hurried to her side. One corner of his mouth tipped up, and he had the gall to ask, “Can I buy you a drink?”
Guilt swamped her. He’d been nothing but sweet to her, and she kept looking for a reason to dislike him. With a sigh, she shook her head. “I should buy you one. You did help me, not the other way around.” She shrugged, and even smiled a little. “What would you like?”
His brow furrowed, and he appeared to be looking for a good argument. He gave in with a frown. “Guinness. I’ll go sit with Fallon. Just come over when you’re done.”
One eyebrow rose. That wasn’t what she expected. She gave him a nod before she turned and marched past him, into the bar. Amethyst didn’t stop until she came to the counter. Jess and Jamie looked relieved to see her.
Jamie rushed around the bar to give her a big hug. “Thank God, you’re all right.”
“I’m fine. Can I get a Guinness and something sinfully fruity but packs a punch? Not enough to get drunk—I just want a little buzz.” She sighed, and took a deep breath to slow herself down. “I don’t need to be pulled over again, and it seems Sheriff Eyeball over there has decided to keep an eye on me.”
Jamie grinned. “And here I was beginning to think the man was gay. He certainly likes what you’ve got, and you aren’t even dressed cute. At all.” Jamie frowned then. “Usually you dress much more feminine than that.” She waved her hand at Amethyst’s comfy clothes.
“Hello. I was driving all weekend long and was going for comfort. Besides, I’m not looking for attention, especially of a sexual nature. Things get too complicated when sex is involved.” Carl certainly was a complication she could have lived without. “After being stalked for months, locked in the Silver Council’s cell, and then stalked some more, I just need to decompress. I’m not thinking about any man just now.”
A smirk tweaked Jess’ lips but she put her head down and started mixing a drink.
Jamie, on the other hand, snorted and gave Amethyst a sly grin before saying, “Something tells me he’d rock your world.”
She grumbled, “He knows what I am. And really, I moved up here to get away from men who only see me as a sex object. As good as that can feel, it gets old fast and never lasts.”
“When did you get so jaded?” Jess frowned.
Amethyst rolled her eyes and sighed. “Guess. But no, I’m not discussing it.”
Jamie grinned and brought the subject right back around. “Who’s to say that’s all Hayden wants?”
That was a stupid question. He didn’t know her, and she had seen the lust in his gaze, even if he held himself in check. “Don’t. Just don’t. I’m fasting, and he’s a feast. I don’t need a man, woman or anything else right now, thank you very much. I need some time to come to terms with what I did.”
Jess glanced over at Hayden and back with a cocked brow. “That won’t take long.”
Jamie snickered, but then shook her head, giving her a serious look. “Don’t blame yourself for Carl. That boy had something wrong with him. That’s not on you.”
Amethyst twined her fingers through the ends of her hair and gave Jess a stern look. “I’m not discussing it. All right?”
“Fine.” Jamie sighed.
Jess slid a drink her way. “Try this.”
She took a sip and groaned. “Mmm, so good. Just tell me it won’t put me in DUI territory. I’m only having one before I leave, and hopefully sneak away before Sheriff Eyeball follows me home.”
Both twins giggled while Jess got the Guinness ready. Amethyst paid and pointed at her drink. “And this is?”
“Cherry Crush,” Jess answered.
Amethyst nodded and took their drinks to Fallon’s table. There was a seat open right between her and the Sheriff. Stifling a groan, Amethyst handed Hayden the beer and climbed onto the stool.
“Thank you,” Hayden grinned and her eyes were drawn to his full, totally kissable mouth. She blinked before forcing her gaze to his smoldering deep brown eyes. That wasn’t any better. His concern seemed to be gone, and that worried her just a bit.
“You’re welcome,” she smiled, probably nervously and turned to Fallon who gave her a big hug. “Hi, sorry I was late.”
“Not your fault.” Fallon’s green eyes flicked to Hayden and back. “Let me introduce you to everyone. This is Brody.” Fallon had never looked as happy as she did just then. Brody leaned forward with a warm expression and offered his hand.
His grip was firm but gentle. “Pleasure to meet you, Amethyst.”
She got the sense that he was just an all-
around great guy who was madly in love with Fallon and vice versa. It looked good on her oldest friend. It also gave her hope that one day she would find her one and only.
Amethyst squeezed back and let go. “Likewise.”
Fallon nodded to the stunning woman with hair dyed to match her vibrant blue eyes. Amethyst felt a little more comfortable with her own appearance in her presence. “This is Danika, and soon to be my sister in law. Her husband is Adam, and he’s a smartass, but not a bad guy.” Adam was long, lean, and in great shape. He looked a lot like Brody, but all tatted up.
Amethyst nodded enthusiastically, and then froze. She swiveled in the stool to look at Fallon. “Wait, you’re getting married?”
She was beaming. “Yes. With everything going on with you, I wasn’t sure how you’d take it. Not until you got away from the whole mess down in San Fran.”
With a squeal, she threw her arms around Fallon and squeezed. “I’m so happy for you. That’s amazing news.”
Fallon nodded. “Just took the right man.”
Amethyst sat back and grinned at Brody. “Congratulations.”
He was practically glowing. “Thank you.”
Danika teased, “We were just married a couple of weeks ago. It seems to be something in the water.”
Adam butted in. “I’ve been trying to get you to marry me for the last five years, so don’t start with that, Dani.” Adam stole a quick kiss before turning toward Amethyst. “I hear you’re fearless when it comes to piercing.”
Nodding, Amethyst smirked. “I hear you’re a big baby.” Her gaze slid to the gorgeous Native American man with the mischievous sparkle in his eyes. “I’m guessing you’re Tomahawk, and you’re just as big a baby as Adam over here.”
The woman sitting next to Tomahawk was pretty but looked like a Sunday school teacher with her plain white blouse buttoned all the way up, and her shoulder length straight brown hair. There wasn’t a bit of color on her. It made Amethyst vaguely nervous because she was colorful without any help.
The brunette smiled though, and reached her hand across the table. “I’m Darla. You’re right about Tommy. He’s a sweetheart, but has just as smart a mouth as Adam, only worse.”
“I’ll remember that.” Some of her self-doubt melted away and she felt more at home.
Another big man with a brown hair pulled into a ponytail walked up with a welcoming expression on his bearded face. “I’m Slater. The local alpha, and I’m sorry one of my wolves gave you hell tonight.”
“It’s all right. Fallon said I might remind him of someone who hurt him.” Amethyst offered her hand. She could see how Jess might fall for the guy. He exuded power, without pushing it on her.
He enveloped her hand in his massive one. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Amethyst. Jess has told me a lot about you.”
“Oh.” She blushed again. “Okay.” Jess had spent more time around her when she was a kid than as an adult. Amethyst had to wonder what Jess told him, and hoped it wasn’t anything too juvenile. She’d done a lot of growing up the last couple of years.
Fallon cleared her throat, drawing Amethyst’s attention before saying, “So, I know you will probably want to head back to the apartment. And you can.” She produced a key, and shot Hayden a challenging glance. “I’ll ride with you. Though I guarantee Hayden and Brody will most likely follow to help. They forget that women can carry boxes just as easily.” Fallon narrowed her eyes at the sheriff.
Hayden interrupted, “There were quite a few in her vehicle. It’s practically full.”
Amethyst frowned. “Still, I can handle it.”
“But we can also make it easier. Least we can do after Simons cuffed you and dragged you around like a ragdoll,” he challenged with a raised brow.
“I’m fine,” she insisted, “You saw to that already. I can lift the boxes.”
Fallon tapped her on the shoulder and Amethyst slid her gaze back to her. “He just wants to help. He’s a guy though, so he does and says stupid shit. Don’t mind him.” Wow, that was more reasonable than Fallon had ever been about any man offering a woman help.
Amethyst closed her eyes and took a calming breath. “Fine, but I want to finish my drink.” She took a slow sip and made sure not to look back at the big gorgeous sheriff, because it was ridiculously yummy when he narrowed his eyes and got irritated with her like he wanted to paddle her.
Oh boy, that’s so not what I need to be thinking about.
* * * *
Curiosity ran rampant through Hayden. He wanted to know more about this little nymph beside him. She seemed to relax as she got to know everyone at the table. He wished she would stop avoiding him, but she’d barely glanced in his direction since sitting down.
He hadn’t known she was moving up until the day before. With Simons flying off the handle, Hayden had been too busy keeping the big werewolf from doing anything he would later regret to do his normal investigation when Slater mentioned it. He only let it slide because Jess, Jamie and Fallon all vouched for her.
Besides, Fallon sketched out a brief explanation of what her ex accused her of, and the fact that she was held by the Silver Council while the investigation was underway. Mages were in the habit of treating Fae and anyone not mage as inferior. The council enforced the laws to keep Others hidden from most humans. It made sense, most humans feared anything they did not understand. Unfortunately, Hayden remembered too many times where humans had hunted witches, mages, vampires, fae, and anything else they didn’t understand.
Amethyst was so closed off that he chose not to simply ask why she had moved up to Edenton. Not yet anyway. He wanted to know who her ex was so he could make sure the bastard didn’t cause her any more trouble.
Maybe he should call Paavo and see if he would be a little more forthcoming than he expected Fallon or the twins to be. Paavo would probably appreciate Hayden looking out for her. Amethyst may not. Still, he would feel better if he was prepared.
She was quiet and reserved, but there was fire in her eyes when she had pushed back, and he liked it. There was a fighter in there, someone who wouldn’t take too much shit. The way she calmly reacted even with Simons breathing down her neck proved she had a backbone. He just couldn’t figure out why she let Simons manhandle her, unless she was afraid of how she could have dealt with him.
The council probably fucked with her head. He would love to rip the head off anyone who made her doubt her abilities.
While Amethyst was getting their drinks, Fallon had whispered to him, “Whatever you’re thinking about her, give her time. Don’t push her too hard or I will rip your balls off. Trust me, I’ll do it. If that look means what I think it does, you need to take it slow and get to know her. She deserves that.”
Hayden had wanted to laugh, considering how fast Brody and Fallon were bound together, but he got the point. Whatever Amethyst had been through still haunted her. He needed to earn her trust.
It didn’t help that she kept avoiding his gaze. It made his damned cock hard as steel. He couldn’t help but watch her every move. Everything she did was a sensual treat for his eyes. She swirled her drink with her straw before wetting her lips and taking a sip.
Adam’s voice broke into his thoughts. “You’ll come in tomorrow morning, with Fallon?”
“That was the plan.” Amethyst smiled with a gleam in her eye. “Fallon says that none of you like to deal with piercing anyone or anything, and you’ve been turning some away.”
“You aren’t shy, are you?” Tomahawk grinned, “You’ll pierce anything?”
Her laugh was low and seductive. “As long as it’s not just some cocky bastard, trying to show off his goods, then yeah.”
Darla’s face scrunched up in a grimace. “You’ve had men ask for a Prince Albert just to show you their dick?
Amethyst nodded. “Among other things. They usually pass out when I bring the needles out.” There was a hint of devious delight there. “That’s when I send them home.”
“I don’t think I
could handle that, and I’m a nurse.” She shook her head with wide eyes. “Just ick.”
Amethyst laughed. “It’s not so bad. It’s just another part of the body, and very few enjoy the actual piercing.”
Darla’s mouth fell open in a gasp. “Some enjoy it?”
“Some people like pain.” Amethyst shrugged, her shoulder brushing Hayden’s arm. A shiver trickled through him.
“Amethyst has a gift of dampening, or even blocking the pain. It’s why she was so popular down in San Francisco.” Fallon smiled at her.
She blushed. “You make it sound like I do something hinky. It’s not like that.”
Hayden fought back the smirk that wanted to arise. She could heal others without lust, but not herself? That was a sign of a gifted healer.
Tomahawk just raised a brow. “What do you mean? Not like what? Because now I’m thinking something dirty.” Darla narrowed her eyes at him, and he just laughed.
“It’s a natural gift of hers,” Fallon explained. “She doesn’t do anything. Hell, I hardly felt it when she pierced my nipples and she didn’t do anything freaky.”
Hayden was really curious now. Not that he was thinking about Fallon or her piercings, nor did he want his dick pierced, but he had a pair of enchanted earrings his brother had sent him as a gift some time ago. Now he had an excuse to have them put in.
Shaking his head, Tomahawk grinned at his woman. “Don’t worry, I’m not having that pierced, Darla. I’m not a masochist.”
“Good, because that’s mine. No one gets to see it but me,” Darla challenged Tomahawk, and then turned to Amethyst with wide eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to imply you would want to go there.”
A laugh burst free. “Don’t worry, none taken.” After taking her last sip, she turned to Fallon. “You really don’t have to leave with me. I can get everything up tomorrow, if not tonight.”
“Don’t be silly.” Fallon took a look at everyone before swinging her gaze back to Amethyst. “I’d be surprised if we don’t have everyone helping.”