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Entangled Darkness Page 4
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Page 4
“No. I don’t believe that. They aren’t the power they once were. They’ve fallen, and their numbers are smaller. Sure, they are better organized, but so are we. With your help, we’ll take them down. Though I want you nowhere near Jules or Anthony.”
Tremaine snorted. “That won’t be your call. Won’t even be mine. If they decide to take me in, they will. They’ll find a way to get what they want. They always have. That’s why they’ve been around so long.”
* * * *
Two nights later, eighty-five years ago…
Tremaine let anger roll through him as he stormed into a bar and up to the counter. He had no faith in Draecyn’s plan. Perhaps he went too far and lost the bastards. Wouldn’t that be fitting?
The bartender came over with a smile. “What’re ya drinkin’?”
“Your best Scotch. Make it a double and keep ’em coming.”
Rural as fuck town? Check.
Pissed as hell? Check.
Now where are these bastards Draecyn was so sure would pick me up?
He didn’t want to be drunk by the time they showed up. He needed his wits about him. He already hated this fucking mission.
Tremaine slammed the first shot back as a woman caught his eye. Power radiated from her. He sensed her magic from across a crowded bar. Steel gray streaked her mahogany hair that peeked beneath the hat. The flapper dress somehow managed to emphasize the shapely figure beneath. Her eyes twinkled as she glanced back to the doors.
His senses prickled as his gaze swept through the establishment. The bartender slid another shot across the bar as the whole world went dark.
Pain radiated from his shoulder when he was thrown to the hardwood floor, snapping him awake. A chill sent goosebumps on his bare torso. Feeling came back instantly, but he knew he wasn’t at the bar. He never saw whoever had cast the spell.
“You awake?” someone asked, the female voice scraping over his raw nerves.
Tremaine managed to open his eyes as he sat up. No light penetrated the room. Maybe a werecat? A cunning presence, intelligent. Probably lion or tiger. Something else tainted her essence. Tremaine couldn’t place the other half.
“I asked you a question,” she hissed from inches in front of Tremaine’s face.
“I’m awake.” No sense asking questions. Apparently he was in for an interrogation. Bitch wouldn’t get a damned thing he didn’t want to share.
Fingers tangled in his hair, yanking his head back. “No fear?” she purred.
If his hands weren’t tied behind his back, he’d retaliate. He still could, unless they were smart and found bindings that would suppress his magic. They hadn’t cast a spell to block his power, so bindings were the only option considering magic still flowed through his veins.
“Fear is a useless emotion. I can always adapt to the situation.”
“Like any true hybrid. Though you’re a rare combination. Mage and druid. Both sides powerful. So why are you here?”
“You tell me. Either you or one of your pals brought me in. I was in a bar, drinking my troubles away, looking for a distraction.”
“Why were you in the bar?”
“Tired of playing a pawn to the Silver Council.”
She covered his face with a hand and delved into his head. A psion werecat? Interesting combination, though she’d never get past his mental blocks. He’d been trained by the best to resist even the strongest psions. She dug for his worst fears, so he thought up possibilities that scared most others… but never bothered him.
Wailing ghosts filled his head, trying to shatter the barriers. But he knew how to defend from them. He’d even survive the mental hangover later.
Chapter 4
Around one, Robert finally called. Liz glared at the phone, not ready to hear the reason he decided to stay away or find out what Tremaine talked to him about. Tremaine hadn’t bothered to contact her yet either.
She glanced up at Christian. “Hey, mind manning the store while I run to get lunch and make one other stop?”
“Course not. Go do your thing.”
Nodding, Liz grabbed her purse and phone, heading out the door. Hurrying her pace, she sensed eyes on her, accompanied by a shiver traveling down her spine.
She slipped into Monique’s Uniques where Erik leaned against the counter chatting with Monique. Liz busied herself looking at clothes and glancing out the window to spot who was following her.
Monique huffed. “I have a customer.” Her heels clicked through the store.
Erik let out a heavy sigh.
Liz felt bad for him, but he had fucked up several decades ago. Honestly, the guy deserved a little slack.
Monique had dumped him when she found out he joined the original Silver Council mixed caster enforcer training. Someone accused her of a crime she hadn’t committed. Erik cleared her name while still in training, and even caught the real culprit, but she still wouldn’t give him the time of day.
He let it go until she moved to Edenton a few years ago, and he’d been groveling ever since. The fool was still in love with Monique. For some unknown reason, Monique wouldn’t budge.
“Sorry about that,” Monique offered. Her facial expression said otherwise.
Erik’s crumpled into sadness as he walked out the door. He glanced back at Monique, longing on his face.
“Why don’t you put him out of his misery and give him a chance?” Liz asked.
Before Monique had an opportunity to answer, someone wearing a lightweight hoody walked by the shop, catching Liz’s attention. Familiar turquoise eyes met hers and one corner of his mouth tipped up.
Her heart pounded in her chest, but he kept walking. She hadn’t seen the him since she was a child. He had filled her nightmares for months, though she never actually spoke to him.
“You okay?” Monique asked.
She shook her head. “Sorry. Um… what was that?”
Monique sighed. “Because, he didn’t wait until I came to my senses. Bastard moved on just a couple weeks after I dumped him. Hell, he was probably banging her that whole time.”
“Banging who?” Liz asked slowly.
“Gwen Fate.”
Liz quickly did the math. “Um, no. Pretty sure Gwen was busy banging Coltrain at the time. What the hell did you think you saw?”
“They were drinking, dancing, enjoying themselves. He didn’t even notice I was in the bar.” Monique sighed again and stared out the window. “Just because Gwen was with someone else, doesn’t mean she didn’t have an affair. I know for a fact Coltrain was screwing around with Josephine the whole time they were together.”
Liz’s eyes widened. “Coltrain was an ass. Gwen, however, was only friends with Erik. She wouldn’t have fucked around with him. Hell, most of the time, she was trying to convince him to go after you. So I really doubt you dumped him and he fell into her bed.”
“Maybe. But then it took him years to come after me.”
“You traveled. Went to New York, Los Angeles, and Paris. He didn’t chase because you made it clear you were done, and he always feared he couldn’t compete with the models and rich, fashionable guys.”
Monique shook her head, still focused on the window though Erik was far from view. “He could have tried harder.”
“He has been for the last few years. Besides, you wouldn’t be so hung up on him if you didn’t feel something. Give him a chance. I think he’s earned it with all that groveling and begging.”
She blinked as if trying to force back tears. “Don’t want him to break my heart again.”
“To be fair, you left him. He made a choice you didn’t like, and you dumped him.”
“And when I went to apologize, I saw him with another woman.”
“Who was likely working an assignment with him. They were probably celebrating a job well done. Why don’t you ask him?”
“Like I said, don’t want to hurt that bad again.” She shrugged, and checked around the shop as if searching for something in particular. “Anything I c
an help you with?”
Liz shook her head. Maybe after she told the guys, she’d be ready to ask about maternity clothes.
* * * *
Robert tapped the files. He couldn’t concentrate on anything anymore. “I need to talk to her.” He looked up from the books, into Tremaine’s eyes. “She hasn’t called. I’m worried.”
A smirk stole across Tremaine’s lips. “I can keep working with Preston and see if we can find anything useful.”
“Don’t want to come with me?” he asked softly.
Tremaine chuckled. “I’m not the one who fucked up. You need to fix this. Not me. Tonight, after you reassure her, we can wash out any lingering hurt and doubt.”
Robert leaned over to steal a kiss. “I’ll see you later.”
“Go.” Tremaine pushed him back with a knowing smile.
Preston groaned. “Yeah. You’ve been worthless the last two hours. Get this out of your system so we can make some progress. I’m tired of long hours with no payoff. I miss Dacia.”
Nodding, Robert sent a text to Liz. Where are you, Love?
Her reply came back in an instant. Work.
He winced at the short response.
Tremaine pulled his phone over to read the response. “Yeah. She’s still pissed. Don’t make the same mistake again.”
He nodded, hoping he wouldn’t.
Robert appeared in her office, but she wasn’t there. He sucked in a breath and walked out front, where he found her talking with Christian.
Liz looked up, raising a brow. “Thought you were busy.”
Christian covered his mouth, attempting to hide a snicker. “I’ll take over so you can talk.”
“Thank you,” Robert told him, approaching Liz with some apprehension in his gait.
She took a step back, shaking her head, hands raised. “You and Tremaine work out whatever bullshit you were shoveling?”
Robert nodded. “Can we talk?”
Snorting, she crossed her arms over her chest. “Yeah.”
He took her shoulders, and before she had a chance to breathe, they were in their bedroom.
Liz stepped out of reach before he could lean down to kiss her. “Talk,” she demanded.
“I’m sorry. I never meant to worry you.” He snorted. “Remember how I used to get when you proposed some crazy way to crack a case? Or when you explained what you did to close a case? I had to lock myself away and sort through it until I could process everything and accept you were right?”
Her brow arched.
“You were always right,” he admitted.
One corner of her mouth twitched.
“Those files got in my head and warped my view of Tremaine. I had to reconcile what I read with what I knew. Took most of the night, but I realized he did what he had to, and produced results no one else could have.”
“You always wanted to do things by the book, but that only gets you so far.”
Robert nodded. “I was wrong. I should have come home, talked to him, made you understand it wasn’t you. Instead, I did what I always do and locked myself away to think it over.”
“What did he do that twisted you up so damned bad?”
“He went deep undercover. Fought against our own people. When I dug further, I found all the ones he took out were corrupt, and no matter the evidence brought against them, they were still enforcers thanks to Maynard Fanning,” he said the last part with disgust.
“Can I see the case?”
“Sure. Maybe you’ll see something I’ve missed.”
She finally smiled.
He pushed on with his explanation, “I don’t want you directly involved, though. Especially considering what Tremaine had to do to get as far as he did.”
“Robert,” she paused, staring into his eyes, “I can help from the sidelines. After the way the Silver Council viewed me, I have no intention of jumping back into field work. I’m busy enough between my store and working with the druids.”
“True.” Relief settled in. His body language said even more. Liz had been close to shattering too many times already. He didn’t want to risk losing her for anything. Robert had already missed out on twenty-one years with her because they’d had a breakdown in communication. That situation had threatened to tear them both apart, forever.
“How do I prove all of us are good? Tremaine thought it best if I came on my own, but I thought it might be better if he were here.”
She rubbed one arm, watching him, studying his expression when she asked, “Do you love him?”
He nodded. “As much as I love you. I never expected to, but it’s the truth.”
Her expression cracked, vulnerability showing. “And how much do you love me?”
A soft smile spread across his face. He didn’t dare take a step yet. He’d hurt her and wanted to make it better. “More than anything. Life without you is purgatory. You’re everything I live for, Liz. It tears me up that I hurt you. I’m sorry.”
She acknowledged with a nod, tears filling her eyes.
“Will you let me show you how much?”
“Please,” she said, her answer more of a breath than a reply.
He closed the distance, taking her face in his hands. “You fill my heart and soul. Tremaine glues us back together. I can’t live without him any more than I can live without you. I’ll never let you go again, not for anything. You can beg and plead, but I won’t go.”
Tears filled her eyes, and his mouth descended on hers.
Her lips parted, welcoming his tongue in a slow dance that twined them closer. Temptation flared for them both, and he pulled her shirt over her head.
She let out a sigh, her lips curling as goosebumps followed his touch… on her arms, the sides of her breasts and ribs, down inside the jeans he quickly rid her of.
He stepped back to look at the beautiful creature before him. “My heart, my soul, my everything,” he whispered.
Liz rolled her eyes. Stepping toward him, her hands went to his lapels, quickly shedding his suit jacket. Her deft fingers opened each shirt button as he drowned in her green-gold gaze. “Next time you have questions, come home.”
He nodded. “I never meant for you to worry.”
She dropped her hands to her sides and looked away. “Used to worry more. Not as bad now. Sometimes I can’t help doubting everything.”
Robert slipped his clothes off and scooped her against his body. “How do I erase the doubts? Tell me, Liz. I’ll do anything to make you believe in me again.”
“I do,” she whispered. “That’s why the doubt is so hard to deal with.”
He crawled over her, pinning her down to delve deep into her beautiful eyes. “You believe me, but you doubt?”
She nodded, her eyes closing.
“Look at me. Please.”
Tear-filled eyes blinked open.
“When you doubt, tell me. I can’t wash away the fear if I don’t know it’s there. You’re too good at hiding your true emotions.”
“And I promise next time I question either you or Tremaine, I’ll talk to you both. I won’t wait to work it out in my head.”
She smiled softly. “Did you do that? Work it out in your head?”
“About two seconds before he barged in and laid into me about how much I hurt you by not coming home.”
“What did you find?”
Robert huffed. “You’re going to understand the second you lay eyes on the files. My thought process isn’t as fast as yours or Tremaine’s. My head is wrapped around procedures. Ask Preston. It still takes me time to break that mold to look for another way.”
“It happens more and more,” Liz answered.
“Because you all remind me sometimes your unorthodox methods are far better than my strict procedures and regulations.”
“Remember that. Now shut up, so you can show me how much you love me.”
He grinned. “Love you, Liz.”
“Love you with every ounce of my heart and soul.�
� Her legs wrapped around his hips, drawing him into her.
He groaned, sinking into her tight core. “This right here is my haven.” Robert pressed deeper, staring into her eyes.
Her fingers twisted around strands of his hair, bringing his mouth back to hers. She moved with him, the pleasure building, their pace gradually increasing on a climb to a climax that washed over them, dragging them deeper into their love.
“Robert,” she cried.
“Liz,” he whispered in her ear. “Nothing could ever keep me from you again.”
* * * *
The words danced on the tip of her tongue. If Tremaine had been there, Liz would have confessed.
Shit. I still don’t believe all three of us are whole. What if it’s fleeting? What if it’s destined to all fall apart?
Tremaine chose to stay away to let them fix each other. Alone time with Robert had eased the doubt, but new fears wafted in.
Maybe it’s my damned hormones.
Robert kissed her, pulling her into the safety of his arms. She went with him, letting him rob her of all thoughts outside the here and now, the way only he could manage.
Their connection grew until she swore his love and determination was tangible. The only thing missing was Tremaine.
Robert leaned back to watch her. His fingers drifted through her hair. “Would you look at the files?”
His words brought her back to reality and the problems that weighed them down. “Yeah. I need to see what nearly destroyed us.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” Robert promised. “I had a few moments of doubt, but I’m here with you. Tremaine too, but you were the one I hurt, so I needed to make it right.”
She took a slow breath, shaking her head. “You hurt him too, Robert.”
He gave her a lopsided smile. “Already fixed it with him. He’s more concerned about you, though. What’s going on?”