Frozen in Flames Page 10
He winced. “I don’t know. She could have taken you, enslaved you, then tortured you anytime she thought I was straying too far from her wishes. As it was, I only did exactly what she asked because I had no choice.”
“What was the other choice?”
He winced. “Once you were old enough, had you take my place. Only she would force you to do things you don’t want to think about. Trust me on that. I’m just glad she’s dead, finally.”
“And what about my mother?” she asked.
“Saressa could have gotten you away from her. Maybe not in person, but she was crafty. How do you think she managed to lure me in and bind me before I had a chance to oppose her?”
Isa walked to the kitchen.
Lana shoved her hands in her pocket. “How long was she your master?”
He sighed. “More than three hundred years. Time bled together. I stole time away from Saressa whenever I could, stayed with Fuerah. She had you. You were so tiny, so sweet. I knew what Saressa was capable of. I didn’t want her to ruin your childhood. And in Faery, if she did find out about you, she could have taken you. On Earth, with another family, you had a chance.”
“If you could do it all over again, would you?”
Closing his eyes, he nodded. “To make sure Saressa couldn’t touch you, yes.”
Lana heard the door open, but nothing else. She knew Lonny was standing there, so she asked, “Is having a master always bad?”
“No. And with the right one, it can be good. Isa has proven that she won’t use me, she won’t force me to give up secrets, or do something I would regret or hate.”
Isa came back with a smile. “Finally see that?”
Nodding, he met her gaze. “I’m learning to trust you.”
“Same here. But she’s asking for another reason.”
Lana nodded. “Help me convince Lonny to be my master so no one else can.”
He drew a long breath and looked past her, at the door. “I can’t think of a better person to take that honor. But if he hurts you, I will kill him.”
“I’m not worried about you. The last person I want to hurt is Lana,” Lonny answered. “I’ll do everything in my power to keep her safe without binding her to me.”
“You understand what it’s like to be a slave, what could happen. I can imagine you never want her to feel that way. But understanding being in that position, I can’t imagine you ever imposing your will on her.”
“There’s no other way?” Lonny asked. “To protect her from someone else taking over?”
“There is no other way. If there was, I would have taken Isa up on her offer to destroy the bond.” He stepped toward Lonny. “You love Lana, I know you do. You tortured yourself for months, waiting for her to finally let you in. She has, and she’s giving you her heart, her soul, her everything. She wants you to be her master, so be her master.”
He nodded slowly, his lids slipping closed.
Alenathos took Lonny’s shoulders in his hands. “You don’t have to use the power. But if she’s in danger, you could call her to you. You’ll always know with your bond.”
“All right. You make a good point. I just don’t want to use that against her.”
“You won’t. I know that,” he answered.
“How?” Lonny asked, his voice breaking.
“I see it in your eyes, in your aura. Everything you want revolves around my little girl and her happiness.”
A laugh escaped Lana. She covered her mouth, her eyes wide. “Oh, that’s going to take some getting used to.”
“What?” Lonny and Alenathos asked.
“Daddy’s little girl?” She snorted, then laughed. “Oh, that’s so strange to say.”
Alenathos smiled. “I’ve waited a long time to be able to share the secret.” He glanced at Isa, one brow arched. “Mad at me?”
She shook her head. “I get it. But I should contact my father. Maybe he can bring Fuerah here.”
“I should leave then. It will be a long time before she forgives me, though Reance assures me it will happen.”
Lana held back a bitter laugh. “Good luck with that. You hurt her when you took me without a word. I know that much.”
He dipped his head. “I didn’t know another way to keep you safe. Until Isa, there wasn’t someone who could take me from Saressa. She was too strong.”
Lana moved closer, then took his hands. “I’m sorry. I know she was horrible. So, because you’re here, and I imagine it might take some time to meet Fuerah, want to teach me what to do? How to control it? At least your half of it.”
His eyes brightened a little when he met her gaze. “You don’t hate me?”
“No. I get it. I don’t like it, I wish there had been another way, but I see the pain in your eyes. I know the strength it took to do what you did. I can’t hate you for trying to keep me safe.”
Alenathos hugged her. “I’ve waited to do this a long time too,” he whispered. “I’m sorry I made Divad lie to you.”
“I get it. I do. So help me figure out the dragon stuff because I roasted someone alive last night and I don’t even know how I managed that.”
He chuckled. “You take after your mother.” His eyes closed. “But first, I think you should have Lonny seal that bond so Maddock can’t get his hands on you.”
She nodded, turning to Lonny.
* * * *
Of all the things Lonny expected Alenathos to say, that wasn’t one of them. Yes, bind my daughter to you. Keep her safe.
Not that he saw another way, but he had hoped there would be a way to keep her freedom.
Toryn pulled a jewelry box from his pocket. “Reance prepared for this. I should have known what this was when he sent it this morning.” He opened the box, and there was the same sort of medallion Isa wore, binding Alenathos. This one was clear. “Isa can walk you through the spell.”
Lana took the necklace and held her hand out to Lonny. “Do it.”
“Yeah.” Gulping, he took a step forward and took Lana’s hand. “You’re sure about this?”
“Do you see another way?” she whispered.
Lonny pressed his forehead to hers, wrapping one arm around her, while holding her hand and necklace. “No.”
“Repeat after me,” Isa said.
They spoke the words, and dancing rainbow lights flowed through Lonny’s skin. The colors in Lana came out, purple, red, blue. Light shimmered around them in tiny globes until nothing could be seen.
Their mate bond strengthened with the new bond in place. He tasted her lips, sucked her tongue, held her close, and wished like hell they were somewhere else. And still, he knew she needed this time with her father. He was one of the few people who could teach her to use her abilities right. Dragons were unlike any other creature he knew of.
He broke the kiss, smiling into her beautiful gray eyes. “Let him show you what he can.”
She nodded, then turned to Isa. “We should probably wait to have Fuerah come out.”
“Most likely, though, if my father sent the necklace, he already knows you’re going to need to meet her soon.”
Lana shrugged. “I’ll worry about that later. Right now, I have a lot to learn.”
“You do.” Alenathos motioned toward the back door. “But we should go outside. Just in case.”
A nervous laugh bubbled out of her.
Chapter 13
Maddock opened the door to find Luther standing there with a child slung over his shoulder. The mercenary lifted a brow. “Have some place to stash McDermot’s little sister?”
“Thought you were on vacation?” he answered.
“This will ensure you have his help for the portion I won’t do.”
“Very well, this way.” He led Luther through the main portion of the house, down to a hidden staircase that took them into the dungeon.” He glanced over his shoulder as he brought Luther to one of the last rooms. “This would be easier if you would take t
he job.”
“I’ve told you what I think of your endeavor. This is a mistake on your part. There are too many politics involved, not to mention powerful dragons.”
Maddox grit his teeth. “She will be mine.”
“I hope you’re right.” Luther didn’t sound as if he had much confidence.
“Lana is my destiny.”
Luther didn’t offer another word.
“I suppose it’s a good thing you brought the girl. I have sent word I would like to meet with McDermot. I’m hoping this girl will be the proper motivation.”
“She will, but I plan to leave before he arrives. So don’t mention how you came to have Shayna.”
“I’m not a fool. I don’t want to piss you off. You’re my go to man. The one I can count on to do just about anything.”
“Except this one task.” Luther shook his head. “I wish you luck.”
“You’ve said that. Here, you can place her here.” He opened the door and nodded.
As soon as Luther stepped out, he dipped his head. “Contact me after you’ve claimed your dragon.”
“You know I will.”
* * * *
McDermot sat in a tavern in the Earth Realm. He was there because of the note from The Crone. That’s all it was signed. The Crone.
He’d heard much about the woman who went to great lengths to bring down the Delnias family. No one knew who she was or where she came from. But she was well informed.
A woman with gray stringy hair and a large nose came his way. As she came closer, he noticed a wart. Almost like children’s stories of witches on Earth.
He nearly laughed, but kept it in. The woman took a seat across from him. “McDermot, I’ve heard much about you.”
“Crone, is that what I call you?”
She dipped her head. “Yes, please. I’m here to help you. You’re about to be presented a job you cannot refuse. Unfortunately, the only person you care about has been abducted and taken to Maddock’s current home. And as much as you don’t want to take the job he presents, you must. But then I urge you to take your sister and go straight to Aeryana, the Queen of the Air Kingdom with news of where to find the people you are to abduct.”
“What are you talking about?” he asked calmly, though anger was spiking.
“I’m only a messenger, one who wants to help keep your sister safe. When you get there and have your sister with you, you will use this token to go home. You simply break it.”
“A golden coin?” he asked, taking the small metal disk.
“In appearance. This spell will take you and your sister back to your home in the Air Realm. From there, you must go to the castle. Aeryana will speak to you there.”
“Who will I be asked to capture?”
She sighed. “That is a story you should hear from Maddock. And I must leave before the family finds me and ends my quest to stop them.” She stood and walked a few steps before disappearing.
Within seconds another man walked into the inn. This one took a moment to scan the patrons and marched over to him.
He cursed under his breath. What the Crone wanted with him was beyond him. However, she promised to save his sister. Though how anyone found his sister was beyond him.
The man stepped up to the end of the table. “You’re requested at the Delnias estate. If you agree, I’ll take you there now.”
“And what would they like from me?”
“That I do not know.”
McDermot rubbed at his face. “I need more information before I make the trip.”
The man clearly didn’t expect such a response and quickly departed.
He sat back. He picked up the glass disk in his pocket and pulled up Jeliah’s image. The woman was an intimate friend. She kept Shayna with her often.
She stood in Shayna’s room, rocking. “Shayna,” he quietly said.
She looked at the mirror, tears in her eyes. “She’s gone. I don’t know how. I saw no one. And I tried to summon an image. I can’t get anything.”
“I see.”
“I was just in the other room. There was no sound. I went to check. She wasn’t here.”
“It’s okay, Jeliah. I’ll find her. This isn’t your fault.”
“I love you, Mickey.”
“Love you too. Now go somewhere safe. I’ll contact you soon. Keep the disk on you.”
“I will.”
The man came back. He held out a folded paper. “Something should appear on it in a moment to convince you to come out.”
He took the paper, rage boiling in his veins. He wanted to scream out when his sister appeared on the paper. “If she is harmed, I will kill you, your employer, and everyone else in that house.”
“Understood, but I don’t know what’s on that paper. I’m only here to bring you to the estate.”
“Let’s go.”
Chapter 14
Lonny plopped his ass into a chair and stared out the window, watching what he could of Lana and Alenathos.
“Her hair changed. Was that during the awakening?” Isa asked.
He nodded. “Yeah. I love it. She’s not sure what she thinks of it just yet.”
Toryn glanced out and back. “It’s her. She’ll get used to it. Now, how are you doing? I know you didn’t want to enslave her, but that’s not what you’re doing. You’re protecting her.”
He nodded. “Yeah. Doesn’t mean I like it. Look, Scotty’s parents were good to us. They were. That doesn’t mean I didn’t realize what I was by technicality.”
“Yeah, but they never forced you to do anything. You were more like extended family.”
He nodded. “Doesn’t change the fact that shit can mess with your head.”
Toryn continued. “And she’s nothing like Gebiet. Neither is Fuerah or Alenathos.”
“I understand. One dragon didn’t tarnish my opinion on all others.” Sighing, he sat forward. “Alenathos can be an ass, but he did help Scotty. He has helped Isa and you.”
Isa nodded. “Though, I nearly killed him when he nearly killed Toryn.”
“Yeah, and no one blames you for that.” He found Lana in the yard. Her hair had turned more blue. A smile spread. “Seems her hair changes with what she’s working with. Let’s hope she gets used to that quickly.”
“She’ll learn to control it if not. I think she’ll be fine, especially now that she has you.” Isa watched her as well. “I love it.”
“You don’t want to leave Seattle now, right?” Toryn asked.
He chuckled. “No. Not until she decides she wants to leave.”
“Good, because I hadn’t actually set up another assignment for you.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, I figured that.”
Isa sat back. “So what’s the plan? When are you going back to Seattle? Or are you hiding out until someone can find this asshole?”
“I’ll leave that up to her, but I will attempt to convince her to stay here for the time being.”
Toryn added, “And she’s not going to want to let you out of her sight. Where do you plan to stay? Her house or yours?”
Lonny held up his hands. “There are other things we need to figure out before living arrangements. And you know me well enough to know where I live has never mattered to me.”
“As long as you’re with her.” Toryn nodded to Isa. “Trust me, I know how that works.”
Isa rolled her eyes. “Lana is as independent as I am. However, I like feedback from Toryn. She will want yours.”
Lonny sighed. “I’ve always been flexible. Most sprites are. Ask Toryn.”
Toryn nodded. “But Lonny will fight when he needs to.”
Lonny stood up and moved to the door. “Always, and I have a feeling we’ll be fighting soon.” He sighed. “Maddock doesn’t fight fair. I’m worried about what comes next. I know Lana can handle herself in most situations, but this is nothing like she ever imagined.”
“She has more strength than sh
e realizes. I’ve known her forever,” Isa said. “And with some training from all of us, she’ll be a fighter. If I wasn’t so pregnant, I would train her. But Toryn would have a conniption.”
Rolling his eyes, Toryn sighed. “Yeah, because that’s more than you need to do. You’re still working, working out, all those things, but certain things can cause you to go into labor early. And early is fine, as long as it happens without extra stress.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she said. “And I agree. I just said I wasn’t going to train her to fight.” She winked at Lonny. “But, she’ll learn fast. She does have a black belt in Jiu Jitsu.”
“She does?” Toryn asked.
Lonny nodded. “I know. I’ve seen her go to class. And she’s damned good. But class sparring is very different than a real fight.”
“Sure, but you have to learn somehow,” Isa countered. “So relax and help her. Unless you’re like Toryn and get all huffy with that.”
Toryn sighed. “Only when you hurt yourself and are too stubborn to let someone know.”
“And I only did that the one time,” she answered.
“And probably only because you learned to heal yourself since then,” Lonny flipped back.
Isa shrugged, a laugh bubbling free.
* * * *
Lana walked to the middle of the yard and sighed. “So, now what?”
Alenathos smirked. “You tell me. What do you want to know? What do you want to start with?”
“Everything? I have no idea where to start.” She held up her hands. “It comes so easy to everyone, but me.”
“Because you were trying to use magic you don’t have. So you need to stop thinking about what you can’t do and focus on what you can,” Alenathos answered.
“And what’s that?”
He held up a hand. Water formed in his palm, then turned to ice, growing in size until he had a ball in his hand.”
She snorted. “But how?”
His face screwed up a moment. Then he said, “Imagine it.”
One scarlet brow rose. “That’s it?”